Man pages for kmconfband
Kaplan-Meier Simultaneous Confidence Band for the Survivor Function

confbandCompute an Exact Nonparametric Confidence Band for the...
coverCalculate the Exact Coverage Probability of a Nonparametric...
exactCalculate an Exact Nonparametric Confidence Band for the...
ivInitial Value Calculation for Deriving an Exact Nonparametric...
nhlResponse Times for 31 Advanced non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma...
noeNoe Recursions for the Exact Coverage Probability of a...
noe.compute.cghIntermediate Steps in the Noe Recursions for the Exact...
noe.compute.pvElements of the Noe Recursions for the Exact Coverage...
plotbandsPlot an Exact Nonparametric Confidence Band for the...
zbrentVan Wijngaarden-Decker-Brent Root-finding Algorithm
kmconfband documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:49 p.m.