Man pages for knotR
Knot Diagrams using Bezier Curves

asConversions between various forms of a knot
badnessBadness of knots
bezierVarious functionality for Bezier curves
bezier_angleIntersection of two Bezier curves
bezier_find_lengthSolve for arclength
bezier_integralArcwise integrals over Bezier curves
crossingCrossing Metrics for knots
getstringpointsReturns the coordinates of a knot's path
head.inkscapeHead and tail methods for inkscape objects
knotoptimOptimization of knot appearance
knotplotPlotting of knots
knotR-packageKnot Diagrams using Bezier Curves
knotsOptimized knots
overunderFunctionality for specifying overstrands and understrands
readerReading and writing svg files
symmetrizeSymmetry and knots
utilitiesVarious utilities for knots
knotR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:56 p.m.