kosis package

R-CMD-check CRAN_Status_Badge


Korean Statistical Information Service (KOSIS Open API Service)\ (

| Service View Code | Service View Name | |:------------------|:-------------------------| | MT_ZTITLE | 국내통계 주제별 | | MT_OTITLE | 국내통계 기관별 | | MT_GTITLE01 | e-지방지표(주제별) | | MT_GTITLE02 | e-지방지표(지역별) | | MT_CHOSUN_TITLE | 광복이전통계(1908\~1943) | | MT_HANKUK_TITLE | 대한민국통계연감 | | MT_STOP_TITLE | 작성중지통계 | | MT_RTITLE | 국제통계 | | MT_BUKHAN | 북한통계 | | MT_TM1_TITLE | 대상별통계 | | MT_TM2_TITLE | 이슈별통계 | | MT_ETITLE | 영문 KOSIS |


# install dev version



# set your api key
kosis.setKey(apiKey = "your_api_key")

# or permantly
usethis::edit_r_environ() # add KOSIS_API_KEY="your_api_key" in .Renviron

# get stat list
getStatList(vwCd = "MT_ZTITLE")
getStatList(vwCd = "MT_ZTITLE", parentListId = "F_29") # life tables

# get stat data (Actuarial Life Table)
data <- getStatData(orgId = "101", tblId = "DT_1B41", objL1 = "ALL")
life_table <- castItem(statData = data, itemVar = "ITM_NM")

# or get stat data from URL (recommeded by KOSIS)
browseKosis() # open a webpage where you can find the url to download the data
url <- ""
data <- getStatDataFromURL(url)
life_table <- castItem(statData = data, itemVar = "ITM_NM")


# The method using orgId and tblId is relatively easy but not recommended by KOSIS
# Need to manage some errors to use this method.

# default arguments: objL1 = "ALL", objL2 = "", objL3 = "", objL4 = "", ...
getStatData(orgId = "117", tblId = "DT_117N_A00124")
# If the error code is 20, change the objL2 variable
getStatData(orgId = "117", tblId = "DT_117N_A00124", objL2 = "ALL")
# If the error code is 20 again, change the objL3 variable
getStatData(orgId = "117", tblId = "DT_117N_A00124", objL2 = "ALL", objL3 = "ALL")

Try the kosis package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

kosis documentation built on Aug. 8, 2023, 5:13 p.m.