Man pages for kst
Knowledge Space Theory

as.binaryMatrixMatrix Representation of Knowledge Structures
as.famsetConvert a binary matrix to a family of sets
as.relationSurmise Relations of Knowledge Structures
closureClosure of a Knowledge Structure
kassessAssess Individuals
katomsAtoms of Knowledge Structures
kbasebase of a Knowledge Space
kdomainDomain of Knowledge Structures or Bases
kfringeFringes of Knowledge States
kneighbourhoodNeighbourhood of Knowledge States
knneighbourhoodNeighbourhood of Knowledge States
knotionsNotions of Knowledge Structures or Bases
kstructureKnowledge Structure
kstructure_is_wellgradedWell-Gradedness of Knowledge Structures
ktraceTrace of Knowledge Structures
kvalidateValidate Prerequisite Relations or Knowledge Structures
lpathLearning Paths in a Knowledge Structure
lpath_is_gradationGradation Property of Learning Paths
plotPlot Family of Sets
reductionReduction of Knowledge Structures
space_propertySpace Property of a Knowledge Structure
kst documentation built on Oct. 24, 2022, 5:07 p.m.