Man pages for labelmachine
Make Labeling of R Data Sets Easy

as_lama_dictionaryCoerce to a lama_dictionary class object
check_and_translate_allCheck and translate function used by 'lama_translate_all()'...
check_and_translate_dfChecks arguments and translate a data.frame
check_and_translate_df_Checks arguments and translate a data.frame (standard eval)
check_and_translate_vectorChecks arguments and translate a vector
check_and_translate_vector_Checks arguments and translate a character vector (standard...
check_argumentsFunction that applies some general checks to the arguments of...
check_renameFunction that checks the passed in arguments for...
check_selectFunction that checks the passed in arguments for...
composerrCompose error handlers (concatenate error messages)
contains_na_escapeCheck if a character vector contains NA replacement strings
dictionary_to_yamlTransform data structure from lama_dictionary class input...
escape_to_naReplace '"NA_"' by 'NA'
is_dictionaryCheck if an object is a lama_dictionary class object
is.syntacticCheck if a variable name is syntactically valid
lama_getRetrieve a translation from a lama_dictionary class object
lama_mergeMerge multiple lama-dictionaries into one
lama_mutateChange or append a variable translation to an existing...
lama_readRead in a 'yaml' file holding translations for one or...
lama_renameRename multiple variable translations in a lama_dictionary...
lama_selectSelect multiple variable translations and create a new...
lama_translateAssign new labels to a variable of a data.frame
lama_translate_allAssign new labels to all variables of a data.frame
lama_writeWrite a 'yaml' file holding translations for one or multiple...
lapplIImprove 'lapply' and 'sapply' with index
NA_lama_NA replace string
named_lapplyCreate a named list with 'lapply' from a character vector
na_to_escapeReplace 'NA' by '"NA_"'
new_lama_dictionaryCreate a new lama_dictionary class object
printPrint a lama_dictionary class object
rename_translationFunction that actually performs the renaming of the...
stringifyCoerce a vector into a character string ("x1', 'x2', ...')
translate_dfThis function relabels several variables in a data.frame
translate_vectorThis function relabels a vector
validate_lama_dictionaryCheck if an object has a valid lama_dictionary structure
validate_translationCheck if an object has a valid translation structure
yaml_to_dictionaryTransform data structure from yaml format to the...
labelmachine documentation built on Oct. 11, 2019, 9:05 a.m.