Man pages for lasso2
L1 Constrained Estimation aka `lasso'

coef.l1ceCoefficients of an 'l1ce' Object
coef.l1celistCoefficients of an 'l1celist' Object
deviance.gl1ceDeviance Method for 'gl1ce' Objects
deviance.l1ceDeviance Method for 'l1ce' and 'l1celist' Objects
Extract.l1celistExtract Parts of a 'l1celist' Object
fitted.l1ceFitted Values for 'l1ce', 'l1celist' and 'gl1ce' Objects
gcvGeneralised Cross-Validation Score
gcv.l1ce'gcv()' Methods for 'l1ce' and 'l1celist' Objects.
gl1ceGeneralized Regression With L1-constraint on the Parameters
gl1ce.objectGeneralized L1 Constrained Estimation Model Object
IowaThe Iowa Wheat Yield Data
is.formulaTests for Formula Objects
l1ceRegression Fitting With L1-constraint on the Parameters
l1celist.objectObject of Several L1 Constrained Estimation Models
l1ce.objectL1 Constrainted Estimation Model Object
labels.l1ce'Labels' Method for 'l1ce' and 'l1celist' Objects
lasso-internalInternal lasso functions
merge.formulaMerge Formula With Right Hand Side of Second Formula
plot.l1celistPlot Method for 'l1celist' Objects
predict.gl1cePrediction Method for a 'gl1ce' Object
predict.l1cePredict Method for 'l1ce' Objects
print.l1cePrint Methods for 'l1ce', 'l1celist' and 'gl1ce' Objects
ProstateProstate Cancer Data
qr.rtr.invReconstruct the Inverse of R'R from a QR Object
residuals.gl1ceCompute Residuals for 'gl1ce' Objects
residuals.l1ceResiduals of 'l1ce' or 'l1celist' Objects
summary.gl1ceSummary Method for Generalized L1 Constrained Regression...
summary.l1ceSummary Method for "l1ce" Objects (Regression with L1...
trTrace of a Matrix
vcov.l1ceVariance-Covariance Matrix of 'l1ce' or 'l1celist' Objects
zauxExtract Auxiliary Information From an Object
zaux.l1celistUse 'aux()' on a 'l1celist' object
lasso2 documentation built on Oct. 8, 2021, 9:10 a.m.