rsociality-ergmTerm-7ae668b9: Random sociality effect

rsociality-ergmTermR Documentation

Random sociality effect


Adds a random sociality effect to the model, with normal prior centered around 0 and a variance that is estimated. Can only be used on directed networks.

Important: This term works in latentnet's ergmm() only. Using it in ergm() will result in an error.


# binary: rsociality(var=1, var.df=3)

# valued: rsociality(var=1, var.df=3)



The scale parameter for the scale-inverse-chi-squared prior distribution of the sociality effect variance. To set it in the prior argument to ergmm, use sociality.var.


The degrees of freedom parameter for the scale-inverse-chi-squared prior distribution of the sociality effect variance. To set it in the prior argument to ergmm, use sociality.var.df.


The following parameters are associated with this term:


Numeric vector of values of each vertex's random sociality effect.


Random sociality effect's variance.

See Also

ergmTerm for index of model terms currently visible to the package.

\Sexpr[results=rd,stage=render]{ergm:::.formatTermKeywords("ergmTerm", "rsociality", "subsection")}

latentnet documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:36 a.m.