
#' @export
"print.summary.ldPower" <- function(x, digit = 5, ...)
  z <- x
  if (!inherits(z, "summary.ldPower")) 
    stop("'x' must inherit from class \"summary.ldPower\"")
  rownames(z$bounds) <- rownames(z$bounds, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "")
  cat("\nLan-DeMets method for group sequential boundaries \n", "\nn = ", z$n, "\n")
  cat("\nBoundaries: \n") 
  print.default(z$bounds, digits = digit, quote = FALSE, print.gap = 2)
  if ((z$type==1)|(z$type==2)){
    cat("\nPower : ", z$power, "\n","\nDrift: ", z$drift, "\n", "\n")
    rownames(z$bounds1) <- rownames(z$bounds1, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "")
    print.default(z$bounds1, digits = digit, quote = FALSE, print.gap = 2)
  if (z$type==3){
    low <- z$interval$lower.limit
    up <- z$interval$upper.limit
    cat("\nConfidence interval at the end of the trial: \n", "\nConfidence level: ", z$level, "\nLast Z value: ", z$fzvalue, "\n", 100*z$level, "% confidence interval: (", low, ",", up, ")\n") 
  if (z$type==4){
    cat("\nAdjusted p-value: \n", "\nOrdering method: ", z$p.ordering, "\nLook: ", z$analysis.time, "\nZ value observed at that time: ", z$fzvalue, "\n", "P-value: ", z$p.value, "\n") 

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ldbounds documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:53 p.m.