leerSIECyL-package: Read Data from the SIE

Description Details Author(s)


Functions to download data from the SIE, which is the Statistical Information System (Sistema de Informaci<f3>n Estad<ed>stica) in the Statistical Portal of the Government of Castilla y Le<f3>n (Spain) <https://estadistica.jcyl.es>.


The DESCRIPTION file: This package was not yet installed at build time.

Index: This package was not yet installed at build time.
The SIECyL is the System of Statistical Information (Sistema de Informaci<f3>n Estad<ed>stica) of the govern of Castilla y Le<f3>n (Spain). Access to the data is possible through the page http://estadistica.jcyl.es, but also using a query API. This package uses this API to access any of the modules, at the moment only Datos B<e1>sicos, Coyuntura and Padr<f3>n. The three main functions are: leerDB to obtain data from the Datos B<e1>sicos module leerCoyuntura to do it from the Coyuntura module. leerPadron to do it from the Padr<f3>n module.


Jes<fa>s Mar<ed>a Rodr<ed>guez Rodr<ed>guez

Maintainer: Jes<fa>s M. Rodr<ed>guez Rodr<ed>guez <jesusmro@ono.com>

leerSIECyL documentation built on May 2, 2019, 10:16 a.m.