legco-package: legco: R bindings for the Hong Kong Legislative Council API

Description Details API Limits Functions Notes Disclaimer Author(s) See Also


Provides functions to fetch data from the Hong Kong Legislative Council API.


Most functions of this package correspond to the data endpoints of the API. It is therefore necessary to understand the structure of the API in order to extract the data needed. Please refer to the vignettes for more details.

This package supports five databases of the LegCo API: Bills, Hansard, Meeting Attendance, Meeting Schedule and Voting Result. It is essential to understand what data these databases store in order to utilise the API effectively. Please refer to the vignettes and the API documentations for more details (links in ‘See Also’).

API Limits

The LegCo API does not have a specified rate limit, but by experience the limit is approximately 1000 requests per IP per hour. When the rate limit is reached, the server will return an empty json.

LegCo's API server also has a node count limit of 100 nodes per request, which can be translated as 20 filtering conditions per request in most cases in meaningful term. This package automatically blocks requests that exceed the node count.

It is common for the connection to the LegCo API to experience SSL error from time to time, especially during repeated requests. This can usually be resolved simply by retrying. This package automatically retries the request once when an SSL error occurs.

Another common problem is that the LegCo API sometimes returns an empty json file when it is not supposed to. Again, this can usually be resolved by retrying. This package automatically retries the request once to make sure that an invalid search query or rate limit is not the cause of the problem.


Generic function:

Functions of the Bills database:

Functions of the Meeting Attendance Database:

Functions of the Voting Result Database:

Functions of the Hansard database:

Functions of the Meeting Schedule Database:

Complementary Functions:


In addition to the standard function names, each function in this package has a wrapper where the name is prefixed with legco_. For example, both speakers() and legco_speakers() will return the same result. This is because function names are taken from the data endpoints provided by the API on, which nonetheless are often not very informative and could clash with functions in other packages (e.g. speakers() is not a term unique to LegCo).


This package is not officially related to or endorsed by the Legislative Council of Hong Kong.

The Legislative Council of Hong Kong is the copyright owner of data retrieved from its open data API.


Elgar Teo (elgarteo@connect.hku.hk)

See Also

GitHub page: https://github.com/elgarteo/legco/

Online Vignettes: https://elgarteo.github.io/legco/

LegCo API Documentations

legco documentation built on Oct. 16, 2021, 5:09 p.m.