
## ----install, echo=F, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval=FALSE----------------
#  ## Ref:
#  ## First specify the packages of interest
#  packages = c("devtools", "dplyr", "stringr")
#  ## Now load or install&load all
#  package.check <- lapply(
#    packages,
#    FUN = function(x) {
#      if (!require(x, character.only = TRUE)) {
#        install.packages(x, dependencies = TRUE, repos = "")
#        #library(x, character.only = TRUE)
#      }
#    }
#  )

## ----message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval=FALSE---------------------------------
#  devtools::install_github("jamgreen/lehdr")
#  library(lehdr)
#  library(dplyr)
#  library(stringr)

## ----usage1, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  or_od <- grab_lodes(state = "or",
#                      year = 2020,
#                      version = "LODES8",
#                      lodes_type = "od",
#                      job_type = "JT01",
#                      segment = "S000",
#                      state_part = "main",
#                      agg_geo = "tract")
#  head(or_od)

## ----usage2, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  or_ri_od <- grab_lodes(state = c("or", "ri"),
#                         year = c(2013, 2014),
#                         lodes_type = "od",
#                         job_type = "JT01",
#                         segment = "S000",
#                         state_part = "main",
#                         agg_geo = "tract")
#  head(or_ri_od)

## ----example_county_var, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------
#  md_rac <- grab_lodes(state = "md", year = 2015, lodes_type = "wac", job_type = "JT01", segment = "S000")
#  head(md_rac)
#  md_rac_county <- md_rac %>% mutate(w_county_fips = str_sub(w_geocode, 1, 5))
#  head(md_rac_county)

## ----example_county_agg, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------
#  md_rac_county <- md_rac %>% mutate(w_county_fips = str_sub(w_geocode, 1, 5)) %>%
#    select(-"w_geocode") %>%
#    group_by(w_county_fips, state, year, createdate) %>%
#    summarise_if(is.numeric, sum)
#  head(md_rac_county)

## ----example_county_agg2, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------
#  md_rac_county <- grab_lodes(state = "md",
#                              year = 2015,
#                              lodes_type = "rac",
#                              job_type = "JT01",
#                              segment = "S000",
#                              agg_geo = "county")
#  head(md_rac_county)

## ----example_county_agg3, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------
#  md_od_county <- grab_lodes(state = "md",
#                             year = 2015,
#                             version="LODES7",
#                             lodes_type = "od",
#                             job_type = "JT01",
#                             segment = "S000",
#                             agg_geo = "county",
#                             state_part = "main")
#  head(md_od_county)

## ----example_agg_other, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------
#  md_rac_bg <- grab_lodes(state = "md",
#                          year = 2015,
#                          lodes_type = "rac",
#                          job_type = "JT01",
#                          segment = "S000",
#                          agg_geo = "bg")
#  head(md_rac_bg)
#  md_rac_tract <- grab_lodes(state = "md",
#                             year = 2015,
#                             lodes_type = "rac",
#                             job_type = "JT01",
#                             segment = "S000",
#                             agg_geo = "tract")
#  head(md_rac_tract)
#  md_rac_state <- grab_lodes(state = "md",
#                             year = 2015,
#                             lodes_type = "rac",
#                             job_type = "JT01",
#                             segment = "S000",
#                             agg_geo = "state")
#  head(md_rac_state)

Try the lehdr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

lehdr documentation built on Nov. 27, 2023, 5:11 p.m.