Man pages for leidenAlg
Implements the Leiden Algorithm via an R Interface

as.dendrogram.fakeCommunitiesReturns pre-calculated dendrogram
exampleGraphConos graph
find_partitionFinds the optimal partition using the Leiden algorithm
find_partition_rcppRefer to the R function find_partition() For notes of the...
find_partition_with_repFinds the optimal partition using the Leiden algorithm with...
find_partition_with_rep_rcppFinds the optimal partition using the Leiden algorithm
leiden.communityLeiden algorithm community detection Detects communities...
membership.fakeCommunitiesReturns pre-calculated membership factor
rleiden.communityRecursive leiden communities Constructs an n-step recursive...
leidenAlg documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:49 a.m.