fixedse: Compute standard errors for fixed effects

View source: R/fixedse.R

fixedseR Documentation

Compute standard errors for fixed effects


fixedse computes the standard errors for the fixed effects when there is only one. While getfe() can provide standard errors, it does so by bootstrapping for general estimable functions. In the special case that there's only a single fixed effect, and the estimable function is just the levels, this function can be used to compute the fixed effects without bootstrapping. It requires that felm() is run with keepX=TRUE.


fixedse(est, lhs = NULL, E)



'felm' object. The result of a call to felm().


character. Name of the left hand side, if more than one.


Matrix. Estimable function. Not used at the moment.


numeric. Vector of standard errors.


x <- rnorm(1000)
f <- factor(sample(5, 1000, replace = TRUE))
y <- x + (1:5)[f] + rnorm(1000)
est <- felm(y ~ x | f, keepX = TRUE)
# both bootstrap and computed se:
cbind(getfe(est, ef = efactory(est, "ref"), se = TRUE), fse = fixedse(est))
# compare with lm:
summary(lm(y ~ x + f - 1))

lfe documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:39 a.m.