AppenderDigest: Abstract class for digests (multi-log message notifications)

AppenderDigestR Documentation

Abstract class for digests (multi-log message notifications)


Digests is an abstract class for report-like output that contain several log messages and a title; e.g. an E-mail containing the last 10 log messages before an error was encountered or a push notification.

Abstract classes, only exported for package developers.


Abstract classes cannot be instantiated with $new() and therefore do not return anything. They are solely for developers that want to write their own extension to lgr.

Super classes

lgr::Filterable -> lgr::Appender -> lgr::AppenderMemory -> AppenderDigest

Active bindings


A Layout used to format the last LogEvent in this Appenders buffer when it is flushed. The result will be used as the subject of the digest (for example, the E-mail subject).


Public methods

Inherited methods

Method new()


Method set_subject_layout()


See Also

LayoutFormat, LayoutGlue

Other abstract classes: AppenderMail

Other Digest Appenders: AppenderMail, AppenderPushbullet, AppenderSendmail

lgrExtra documentation built on Jan. 6, 2023, 5:15 p.m.