Man pages for libbib
Various Utilities for Library Science/Assessment and Cataloging

books_serials_etc_sampleSmall sample of books, monographs, and serials and their...
carReturn first element of vector
check_isbn_10_check_digitCheck the check digit of an ISBN 10
check_isbn_13_check_digitCheck the check digit of an ISBN 13
check_issn_check_digitCheck the check digit of an ISSN
convert_to_isbn_13Convert ISBN 10 to ISBN 13
country_code_crosswalkCountry code / country crosswalk
cp_lb_attributesCopy special libbib attributes from one object to another
dewey_subject_crosswalkDewey Decimal Classification / Subject Description crosswalk
dt_add_to_col_namesAdd string to all column names in a data.table
dt_counts_and_percentsGroup by, count, and percent count in a data.table
dt_del_colsDelete columns in a data.table
dt_keep_colsKeep columns in a data.table
dt_na_breakdownGet a breakdown of the NA-status of a column in a data.table
dt_percent_not_naReturn the percentage of non-NA instances in a data.table...
dt_set_clean_namesTakes a data.table and set to cleaned column names
fread_plus_dateRead a file and set a special libbib date attribute
fwrite_plus_dateWrite a file with a date appended to the file name.
get_all_lc_call_subject_lettersGet all subject letters of LC Call Number
get_clean_namesTakes a data.frame and returns cleaned column names
get_country_from_codeConversion from country code to country name
get_dewey_decimal_subject_classConversion from Dewey Decimal call numbers to first-level...
get_dewey_decimal_subject_divisionConversion from Dewey Decimal call numbers to second-level...
get_dewey_decimal_subject_sectionConversion from Dewey Decimal call numbers to third-level...
get_isbn_10_check_digitGet ISBN 10 check digit
get_isbn_13_check_digitGet ISBN 13 check digit
get_issn_check_digitGet ISSN check digit
get_language_from_codeConversion from language code to language name
get_lc_call_first_letterGet the first letter of LC Call Number
get_lc_call_subject_classificationConversion from Library of Congress Call number to subject...
is_valid_isbn_10Return TRUE if valid ISBN 10
is_valid_isbn_13Return TRUE if valid ISBN 13
is_valid_issnReturn TRUE if valid ISSN
is_valid_lc_callCheck if LC Call Number is valid
language_code_crosswalklanguage code / language crosswalk
lc_subject_classificationLC Call Subject Code Classification / Classification name...
lc_subject_subclassificationLC Subject Subclassification / Subclassification name...
loc_permalink_from_lccnGet Library of Congress catalog permalinks from LCCNs
marc_008_get_infoGet info from MARC control field 008
marc_leader_get_infoGet info from MARC leader
normalize_isbnAttempt to enforce validity and canonical form to an ISBN
normalize_isbn_10Attempt to enforce validity and canonical form to ISBN 10
normalize_isbn_13Attempt to enforce validity and canonical form to ISBN 13
normalize_issnAttempt to enforce validity and canonical form to ISSN
normalize_lccnAttempt to enforce validity of LCCN and convert to normalized...
oclc_classify_link_from_standard_numGet OCLC Classify link from a standard number
recombine_with_sep_closureReturn a function that will combine/contatenate a vector
remove_duplicates_and_nasRemove duplicate elements and NAs from a vector
set_lb_attributeSet special libbib attribute on object
set_lb_dateSet special libbib date attribute on object
split_map_filter_reduceSplit, Map, Filter, and Reduce a string vector
worldcat_api_bib_read_info_byGet bibliographic info from a standard number
worldcat_api_classify_bySearch WorldCat classify API by ISBN, ISSN, or OCLC number
worldcat_api_locations_byGet holding libraries by standard number
worldcat_api_searchUse the WorldCat Search API
worldcat_permalink_from_isbnGet WorldCat catalog permalinks from ISBNs
worldcat_permalink_from_issnGet WorldCat catalog permalinks from ISSNs
worldcat_permalink_from_oclc_numberGet WorldCat catalog permalinks from OCLC numbers
libbib documentation built on Nov. 10, 2022, 6:16 p.m.