libgeos-package: libgeos: Open Source Geometry Engine ('GEOS') C API

libgeos-packageR Documentation

libgeos: Open Source Geometry Engine ('GEOS') C API


Provides the Open Source Geometry Engine ('GEOS') as a C API that can be used to write high-performance C and C++ geometry operations using R as an interface. Headers are provided to make linking to and using these functions from C++ code as easy and as safe as possible. This package contains an internal copy of the 'GEOS' library to guarantee the best possible consistency on multiple platforms.


Maintainer: Dewey Dunnington (ORCID)


  • GEOS authors

Other contributors:

  • Martin Davis [contributor, copyright holder]

  • Benjamin Campbell [contributor, copyright holder]

  • Tomasz Sowa [contributor, copyright holder]

  • Christian Kaiser [contributor, copyright holder]

  • David Skea [contributor, copyright holder]

  • Daniel Baston [contributor, copyright holder]

  • Sandro Santilli [contributor, copyright holder]

  • Mateusz Loskot [contributor, copyright holder]

  • Paul Ramsey [contributor, copyright holder]

  • Olivier Devillers [contributor, copyright holder]

  • Sean Gillies [contributor, copyright holder]

  • Mika Heiskanen [contributor, copyright holder]

  • Safe Software Inc. [copyright holder]

  • Refractions Research Inc. [copyright holder]

  • Vivid Solutions Inc. [copyright holder]

See Also

Useful links:

libgeos documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:34 a.m.