SO: so_SO reference class

Description Methods Fields


Reference Class for the SO element of a PharmML-SO data structure


so_SO$new() - Create a new empty so_SO object
so_SO$write(filename, pretty=TRUE) - Write an SO to file. Set pretty to FALSE to not get pretty printed xml
so_SO$add_SOBlock(object) - Add a SOBlock
so_SO$remove_SOBlock(object, i) - Remove the SOBlock having index i
so_SO$all_population_estimates() - Get a data.frame with the population estimates from all SOBlocks
so_SO$all_standard_errors() - Get a data.frame with the standard errors from all SOBlocks
so_SO$variability_type(parameter_names) - Given an array of parameter names return an array with the variability type of the parameters
Types are: structParameter, parameterVariability and residualError
so_SO$correlation_parameters(parameter_names) - Given an array of parameter names return an array of whether each parameter is a correlation or not
so_SO$random_variable_from_variability_parameter(parmeter_names) - Given an array of parameter names return an array of names of the corresponding random variable


$Description - A character string
$PharmMLRef - A so_PharmMLRef object
$SOBlock - A list of so_SOBlock objects
$id - A character string attribute
$metadataFile - A character string attribute

libsoc documentation built on Feb. 3, 2022, 5:07 p.m.