last_lifecycle_warnings: Display last deprecation warnings

View source: R/warning.R

last_lifecycle_warningsR Documentation

Display last deprecation warnings


last_lifecycle_warnings() returns a list of all warnings that occurred during the last top-level R command, along with a backtrace.

Use print(last_lifecycle_warnings(), simplify = level) to control the verbosity of the backtrace. The simplify argument supports one of "branch" (the default), "collapse", and "none" (in increasing order of verbosity).




# These examples are not run because `last_lifecycle_warnings()` does not
# work well within knitr and pkgdown
## Not run: 

f <- function() invisible(g())
g <- function() list(h(), i())
h <- function() deprecate_warn("1.0.0", "this()")
i <- function() deprecate_warn("1.0.0", "that()")

# Print all the warnings that occurred during the last command:

# By default, the backtraces are printed in their simplified form.
# Use `simplify` to control the verbosity:
print(last_lifecycle_warnings(), simplify = "none")

## End(Not run)

lifecycle documentation built on Nov. 7, 2023, 5:06 p.m.