Man pages for limSolve
Solving Linear Inverse Models

BlendingA linear inverse blending problem
ChemtaxAn overdetermined linear inverse problem: estimating algal...
E_coliAn underdetermined linear inverse problem: the Escherichia...
ldeiWeighted Least Distance Programming with equality and...
ldpLeast Distance Programming
limSolveSolving Linear Inverse Models
linpLinear Programming.
lseiLeast Squares with Equalities and Inequalities
MinkdietAn underdetermined linear inverse problem: estimating diet...
nnlsNonnegative Least Squares
resolutionRow and column resolution of a matrix.
RigaWebAn underdetermined linear inverse problem: the Gulf of Riga...
SolveGeneralised inverse solution of Ax = B
Solve.bandedSolution of a banded system of linear equations
Solve.blockSolution of an almost block diagonal system of linear...
Solve.tridiagSolution of a tridiagonal system of linear equations
varrangesCalculates ranges of inverse variables in a linear inverse...
varsampleSamples the probability density function of variables of...
xrangesCalculates ranges of the unknowns of a linear inverse problem
xsampleRandomly samples an underdetermined problem with linear...
limSolve documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:53 a.m.