Man pages for lingmatch
Linguistic Matching and Accommodation

dictionary_metaAssess Dictionary Categories Within a Latent Semantic Space
download.dictDownload Dictionaries
download.lspaceDownload Latent Semantic Spaces
lingmatchLinguistic Matching and Accommodation
lma_dictEnglish Function Word Category and Special Character Lists
lma_dtmDocument-Term Matrix Creation
lma_initdirsInitialize Directories for Dictionaries and Latent Semantic...
lma_lspaceLatent Semantic Space (Embeddings) Operations
lma_metaCalculate Text-Based Metastatistics
lma_patcatCategorize Texts
lma_processProcess Text
lma_simetsSimilarity Calculations
lma_termcatDocument-Term Matrix Categorization
lma_weightDocument-Term Matrix Weighting
read.dicRead/Write Dictionary Files
read.segmentsRead and Segment Multiple Texts
report_term_matchesGenerate a Report of Term Matches
select.dictSelect Dictionaries
select.lspaceSelect Latent Semantic Spaces
standardize.lspaceStandardize a Latent Semantic Space
lingmatch documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:48 a.m.