lma_initdirs: Initialize Directories for Dictionaries and Latent Semantic...

View source: R/lma_initdirs.R

lma_initdirsR Documentation

Initialize Directories for Dictionaries and Latent Semantic Spaces


Creates directories for dictionaries and latent semantic spaces if needed, sets them as the
lingmatch.dict.dir and lingmatch.lspace.dir options if they are not already set, and creates links to them in their expected locations ('~/Dictionaries' and '~/Latent Semantic Spaces') by default if applicable.


lma_initdirs(base = "", dict = "Dictionaries",
  lspace = "Latent Semantic Spaces", link = TRUE)



Path to a directory in which to create the dict and lspace subdirectories.


Path to the dictionaries directory relative to base.


Path to the latent semantic spaces directory relative to base.


Logical; if TRUE (default), the full dict and/or lspace paths exist (potentially after being created), and they are not '~/Dictionaries' or '~/Latent Semantic Spaces' respectively, junctions (Windows) or symbolic links will be created: ~/Dictionaries <<===>> dict and ~/Latent Semantic Spaces <<===>> lspace.


Paths to the [1] dictionaries and [2] latent semantic space directories, or a single path if only dict or lspace is specified.


## Not run: 

# set up the expected dictionary and latent semantic space directories

# set up directories elsewhere, and links to the expected locations

# point options and create links to preexisting directories
lma_initdirs("~/NLP_Resources", "Dicts", "Dicts/Embeddings")

# create just a dictionaries directory and set the
# lingmatch.dict.dir option without creating a link
lma_initdirs(dict = "z:/external_dictionaries", link = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

lingmatch documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:48 a.m.