executing_linters: Code executing linters

executing_lintersR Documentation

Code executing linters


Linters that evaluate parts of the linted code, such as loading referenced packages. These linters should not be used with untrusted code, and may need dependencies of the linted package or project to be available in order to function correctly. For package authors, note that this includes loading the package itself, e.g. with pkgload::load_all() or installing and attaching the package.


The following linters are tagged with 'executing':

  • namespace_linter

  • object_length_linter

  • object_name_linter

  • object_usage_linter

  • unused_import_linter

See Also

linters for a complete list of linters available in lintr.

lintr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:31 a.m.