
Defines functions strrep endsWith startsWith isFALSE has_fun regexec

# for R versions < 4.0

# ignore the perl argument for regexec() if it's not supported (in R < 3.3); we
# use perl = TRUE only for speed in crack()
if (!'perl' %in% names(formals(regexec)))
  regexec = function(..., perl) base::regexec(...)

has_fun = function(name, envir = baseenv()) exists(name, envir, inherits = FALSE)

if (!has_fun('isFALSE')) isFALSE = function(x) {
  is.logical(x) && length(x) == 1 && !is.na(x) && !x
if (!has_fun('startsWith')) startsWith = function(...) xfun:::startsWith(...)
if (!has_fun('endsWith')) endsWith = function(...) xfun:::endsWith(...)
if (!has_fun('strrep')) strrep = function(...) xfun:::strrep(...)

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litedown documentation built on Oct. 17, 2024, 1:06 a.m.