Man pages for lmem.qtler
Linear Mixed Effects Models for QTL Mapping for Multienvironment and Multitrait Analysis

DHpop_genoName of the file containing genotypic (marker scores)...
DHpop_mapName of the file containing genotypic (marker scores)...
DHpop_phenoName of the file containing genotypic (marker scores)...
mq.diagnosticsPerforms molecular markers quality diagnostics.
pq.diagnosticsPerforms phenotypic data quality diagnostics.
qtl.analysisPerforms a balanced population QTL mapping analysis.
qtl.crossRead genomic data to perform QTL analyses.
qtl.memqPerforms Multi-Environment (or Multi-Trait) Multi-QTL...
SxM_genoName of the file containing genotypic (marker scores)...
SxM_mapName of the file containing genotypic (marker scores)...
SxM_phenoName of the file containing phenotypic information.
SxMxE_phenoName of the file containing phenotypic information.
lmem.qtler documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:46 p.m.