Man pages for lmenssp
Linear Mixed Effects Models with Non-Stationary Stochastic Processes

boot.nmA function to calculate bootstrap standard errors
data.sim.ibmA simulated data set under a mixed model with random... simulated data set under a mixed model with random...
filteredA function for filtering under multivariate normal response...
lmensspFunction to obtain the maximum likelihood estimates of the...
lmenssp.heavyFunction to obtain the maximum likelihood estimates of the...
lmenssp-packageLinear Mixed Effects Models with Non-stationary Stochastic...
qqplot.tQuantile-quantile plot for univariate t distribution
smoothedA function for smoothing under multivariate normal response...
smoothed.heavyA function for smoothing under multivariate t response...
var.inspectA function for calculating empirical variances with respect...
variogramA function for calculating the empirical variogram for data...
lmenssp documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:32 a.m.