log4r-package: A simple logging system for R, based on log4j.

log4r-packageR Documentation

A simple logging system for R, based on log4j.


logr4 provides an object-oriented logging system that uses an API roughly equivalent to log4j and its related variants.


Package: log4r
Type: Package
Version: 0.2
Date: 2014-09-29
License: Artistic-2.0
LazyLoad: yes

Maintainer: Kirill Müller <krlmlr+r@mailbox.org>

URL: https://github.com/johnmyleswhite/log4r

Issue tracker: https://github.com/johnmyleswhite/log4r/issues


See the log4j documentation or the documentation for its many derivatives to understand the origins of this logging system.


# Import the log4r package.

# Create a new logger object with create.logger().
logger <- create.logger()

# Set the logger's file output.
logfile(logger) <- 'base.log'

# Set the current level of the logger.
level(logger) <- 'INFO'

# Try logging messages with different priorities.
# At priority level INFO, a call to debug() won't print anything.
debug(logger, 'A Debugging Message')
info(logger, 'An Info Message')
warn(logger, 'A Warning Message')
error(logger, 'An Error Message')
fatal(logger, 'A Fatal Error Message')

log4r documentation built on Nov. 28, 2022, 5:24 p.m.