Man pages for logitr
Logit Models w/Preference & WTP Space Utility Parameterizations

apolloModeChoiceDataSimulated SP dataset of mode choice (from the apollo...
augment.logitrGlance a 'logitr' class object
cars_chinaStated car choice observations by Chinese car buyers
cars_usStated car choice observations by US car buyers
ciObtain a confidence interval from coefficient draws
confint.logitrExtract Model Confidence Interval
dummyCodeAdd dummy-coded variables to data frame.
electricityStated preference data for the choice of electricity...
fitted.logitrExtract Model Fitted Values
fquantilePredict probabilities and / or outcomes
glance.logitrGlance a 'logitr' class object
logit_probsCompute logit fraction for sets of alternatives given...
logitrThe main function for estimating logit models
miscmethods.logitrMethods for logitr objects
model.frame.logitrExtracting the Model Frame from a Formula or Fit
model.matrix.logitrConstruct Design Matrices
predictChoicesPredict choices
predict.logitrPredict probabilities and / or outcomes
predictProbsPredict expected choice probabilities
recodeDataReturns a list of the design matrix 'X' and updated 'pars'...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
residuals.logitrExtract Model Residuals
runtimesData frame of run times for logitr benchmark
seExtract standard errors
se.logitrExtract standard errors
simulateSharesSimulate expected shares
statusCodesView a description the nloptr status codes
tidy.logitrTidy a 'logitr' class object
vcov.logitrCalculate the variance-covariance matrix
wtpGet WTP estimates a preference space model
wtpCompareCompare WTP from preference and WTP space models
wtp.logitrGet WTP estimates a preference space model
yogurtChoice observations of yogurt purchases by 100 households
logitr documentation built on Sept. 29, 2023, 5:06 p.m.