as.graph | Convert a loongraph object to an object of class graph |
as_grid_size | Turn a 'loon' size to a 'grid' size |
as_hex6color | Return a 6 hexidecimal digit color representations |
as.loongraph | Convert a graph object to a loongraph object | | A Character Data Frame to a Numerical Data Frame |
color_loon | Create a palette with loon's color mapping |
complement | Create the Complement Graph of a Graph |
complement.loongraph | Create the Complement Graph of a loon Graph |
completegraph | Create a complete graph or digraph with a set of nodes |
condGrob | Create a named grob or a template grob depending on a test |
facet_grid_layout | Layout as a grid |
facet_separate_layout | layout separately |
facet_wrap_layout | Layout as a wrap |
get_display_color | Return the Displayed Color |
get_font_info_from_tk | Return Font Information |
get_layer_states | Get Layer States |
get_model_display_order | Get the Order of the Display |
glyph_to_pch | Glyph to Pch |
graphreduce | Make each space in a node apprear only once |
grid.loon | Create and optionally draw a grid grob from a loon widget... |
hex12tohex6 | Convert 12 hexadecimal digit color representations to 6... |
L2_distance | Euclidean distance between two vectors, or between column... |
l_after_idle | Evaluate a function on once the processor is idle |
l_aspect | Query the aspect ratio of a plot |
l_aspect-set | Set the aspect ratio of a plot |
l_basePaths | Get the set of basic path types for loon plots. |
l_binCut | Get labels for each observation according to bin cuts in the... |
l_bind_canvas | Create a Canvas Binding |
l_bind_canvas_delete | Delete a canvas binding |
l_bind_canvas_get | Get the event pattern and callback Tcl code of a canvas... |
l_bind_canvas_ids | List canvas binding ids |
l_bind_canvas_reorder | Reorder the canvas binding evaluation sequence |
l_bind_context | Add a context binding |
l_bind_context_delete | Delete a context binding |
l_bind_context_get | Get the event pattern and callback Tcl code of a context... |
l_bind_context_ids | List context binding ids |
l_bind_context_reorder | Reorder the context binding evaluation sequence |
l_bind_glyph | Add a glyph binding |
l_bind_glyph_delete | Delete a glyph binding |
l_bind_glyph_get | Get the event pattern and callback Tcl code of a glyph... |
l_bind_glyph_ids | List glyph binding ids |
l_bind_glyph_reorder | Reorder the glyph binding evaluation sequence |
l_bind_item | Create a Canvas Binding |
l_bind_item_delete | Delete a item binding |
l_bind_item_get | Get the event pattern and callback Tcl code of a item binding |
l_bind_item_ids | List item binding ids |
l_bind_item_reorder | Reorder the item binding evaluation sequence |
l_bind_layer | Add a layer binding |
l_bind_layer_delete | Delete a layer binding |
l_bind_layer_get | Get the event pattern and callback Tcl code of a layer... |
l_bind_layer_ids | List layer binding ids |
l_bind_layer_reorder | Reorder the layer binding evaluation sequence |
l_bind_navigator | Add a navigator binding |
l_bind_navigator_delete | Delete a navigator binding |
l_bind_navigator_get | Get the event pattern and callback Tcl code of a navigator... |
l_bind_navigator_ids | List navigator binding ids |
l_bind_navigator_reorder | Reorder the navigator binding evaluation sequence |
l_bind_state | Add a state change binding |
l_bind_state_delete | Delete a state binding |
l_bind_state_get | Get the event pattern and callback Tcl code of a state... |
l_bind_state_ids | List state binding ids |
l_bind_state_reorder | Reorder the state binding evaluation sequence |
l_breaks | Gets the boundaries of the histogram bins containing active... |
l_cget | Query a Plot State |
l_colorName | Get Color Names from the Hex Code |
l_colRemoveAlpha | Convert color representations having an alpha transparency... |
l_compoundPaths | Get the set of basic path types for loon plots. |
l_configure | Modify one or multiple plot states |
l_context_add_context2d | Create a context2d navigator context |
l_context_add_geodesic2d | Create a geodesic2d navigator context |
l_context_add_slicing2d | Create a slicind2d navigator context |
l_context_delete | Delete a context from a navigator |
l_context_getLabel | Query the label of a context |
l_context_ids | List context ids of a navigator |
l_context_relabel | Change the label of a context |
l_copyStates | A generic function to transfer the values of the states of... |
l_createCompoundGrob | For the target compound loon plot, creates the final grob... |
l_create_handle | Create a loon object handle |
l_currentindex | Get layer-relative index of the item below the mouse cursor |
l_currenttags | Get tags of the item below the mouse cursor |
l_data | Convert an R data.frame to a Tcl dictionary |
l_export | Export a loon plot as an image |
l_export_valid_formats | Return a list of the available image formats when exporting a... |
l_facet | Layout Facets across multiple panels |
l_get_arrangeGrobArgs | For the target (compound) loon plot, determines all arguments... |
l_getBinData | Get information on current bins from a histogram |
l_getBinIds | Gets the ids of the active points in each bin of a histogram |
l_getColorList | Get loon's color mapping list |
l_getFromPath | Create loon objects from path name |
l_getGraph | Extract a loongraph or graph object from loon's graph display |
l_getLinkedStates | Query the States that are Linked with Loon's Standard Linking... |
l_getLocations | For the target compound loon plot, determines location (only... |
l_getOption | Get the value of a loon display option |
l_getOptionNames | Get the names of all loon display options |
l_getPlots | For the target compound loon plot, determines all the loon... |
l_getSavedStates | Retrieve saved plot states from the named file. |
l_getScaledData | Data Scaling |
l_glyph_add | Add non-primitive glyphs to a scatterplot or graph display |
l_glyph_add.default | Default method for adding non-primitive glyphs |
l_glyph_add_image | Add an image glyphs |
l_glyph_add_pointrange | Add a Pointrange Glyph |
l_glyph_add_polygon | Add a Polygon Glyph |
l_glyph_add_serialaxes | Add a Serialaxes Glyph |
l_glyph_add_text | Add a Text Glyph |
l_glyph_delete | Delete a Glyph |
l_glyph_getLabel | Get Glyph Label |
l_glyph_getType | Get Glyph Type |
l_glyph_ids | List glyphs ids |
l_glyph_relabel | Relabel Glyph |
l_glyphs_inspector | Create a Glyphs Inspector |
l_glyphs_inspector_image | Create a Image Glyph Inspector |
l_glyphs_inspector_pointrange | Create a Pointrange Glyph Inspector |
l_glyphs_inspector_serialaxes | Create a Serialaxes Glyph Inspector |
l_glyphs_inspector_text | Create a Text Glyph Inspector |
l_graph | Generic funtction to create an interactive graph display |
l_graph_inspector | Create a Graph Inspector |
l_graph_inspector_analysis | Create a Graph Analysis Inspector |
l_graph_inspector_navigators | Create a Graph Navigator Inspector |
l_graphswitch | Create a graphswitch widget |
l_graphswitch_add | Add a graph to a graphswitch widget |
l_graphswitch_add.default | Add a graph that is defined by node names and a from-to edges... |
l_graphswitch_add.graph | Add a graph to the graphswitch widget using a graph object |
l_graphswitch_add.loongraph | Add a graph to the graphswitch widget using a loongraph... |
l_graphswitch_delete | Delete a graph from the graphswitch widget |
l_graphswitch_get | Return a Graph as a loongraph Object |
l_graphswitch_getLabel | Query Label of a Graph in the Graphswitch Widget |
l_graphswitch_ids | List the ids of the graphs in the graphswitch widget |
l_graphswitch_move | Move a Graph in the Graph List |
l_graphswitch_relabel | Relabel a Graph in the Graphswitch Widget |
l_graphswitch_reorder | Reorder the Positions of the Graphs in the Graph List |
l_graphswitch_set | Change the Graph shown in the Active Graph Widget |
l_help | Open a browser with loon's combined (TCL and R) documentation... |
l_hexcolor | Convert color names to their 12 digit hexadecimal color... |
l_hist | Create an interactive histogram |
l_hist_inspector | Create a Histogram Inspector |
l_hist_inspector_analysis | Create a Histogram Analysis Inspector |
l_image_import_array | Import Greyscale Images as Tcl images from an Array |
l_image_import_files | Import Image Files as Tk Image Objects |
l_imageviewer | Display Tcl Images in a Simple Image Viewer |
linegraph | Create a linegraph |
linegraph.loongraph | Create a linegraph of a graph |
l_info_states | Retrieve Information about the States of a Loon Widget |
l_isLoonWidget | Check if a widget path is a valid loon widget |
l_layer | Loon layers |
l_layer_bbox | Get the bounding box of a layer. |
l_layer_contourLines | Layer Contour Lines |
l_layer_delete | Delete a layer |
l_layer_demote | Moves the layer to be a child of its right group layer... |
l_layer.density | Layer Method for Kernel Density Estimation |
l_layer_expunge | Delete a layer and all its descendants |
l_layer_getChildren | Get children of a group layer |
l_layer_getLabel | Get layer label. |
l_layer_getParent | Get parent layer id of a layer |
l_layer_getType | Get layer type |
l_layer_group | layer a group node |
l_layer_groupVisibility | Queries visibility status of decendants |
l_layer_heatImage | Display a Heat Image |
l_layer_hide | Hide a Layer |
l_layer_ids | List ids of layers in Plot |
l_layer_index | Get the order index of a layer among its siblings |
l_layer_isVisible | Return visibility flag of layer |
l_layer_layerVisibility | Returns logical value for whether layer is actually seen |
l_layer_line | Layer a line |
l_layer.Line | Layer line in Line object |
l_layer_lines | Layer lines |
l_layer.Lines | Layer lines in Lines object |
l_layer_lower | Switch the layer place with its sibling to the right | | Add a Map of class map as Drawings to Loon plot |
l_layer_move | Move a layer |
l_layer_oval | Layer a oval |
l_layer_points | Layer points |
l_layer_polygon | Layer a polygon |
l_layer.Polygon | Layer polygon in Polygon object |
l_layer_polygons | Layer polygons |
l_layer.Polygons | Layer polygons in Polygons object |
l_layer_printTree | Print the layer tree |
l_layer_promote | Moves the layer up to be a left sibling of its parent |
l_layer_raise | Switch the layer place with its sibling to the left |
l_layer_rasterImage | Layer a Raster Image |
l_layer_rectangle | Layer a rectangle |
l_layer_rectangles | Layer rectangles |
l_layer_relabel | Change layer label |
l_layer_show | Show or unhide a Layer |
l_layers_inspector | Create a Layers Inspector |
l_layer_smooth | Layer a smooth line for 'loon' |
l_layer.SpatialLines | Layer lines in SpatialLines object |
l_layer.SpatialLinesDataFrame | Layer lines in SpatialLinesDataFrame object |
l_layer.SpatialPoints | Layer points in SpatialPoints object |
l_layer.SpatialPointsDataFrame | Layer points in SpatialPointsDataFrame object |
l_layer.SpatialPolygons | Layer polygons in SpatialPolygons object |
l_layer.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame | Layer polygons in SpatialPolygonDataFrame |
l_layer_text | Layer a text |
l_layer_texts | Layer texts |
l_loon_inspector | Create a loon inspector |
l_loonWidgets | Get all active top level loon plots. |
l_make_glyphs | Make arbitrary glyphs with R graphic devices |
l_move_grid | Arrange Points or Nodes on a Grid |
l_move_halign | Horizontally Align Points or Nodes |
l_move_hdist | Horizontally Distribute Points or Nodes |
l_move_jitter | Jitter Points Or Nodes |
l_move_reset | Reset Temporary Point or Node Locations to the x and y states |
l_move_valign | Vertically Align Points or Nodes |
l_move_vdist | Vertically Distribute Points or Nodes |
l_navgraph | Explore a dataset with the canonical 2d navigation graph... |
l_navigator_add | Add a Navigator to a Graph |
l_navigator_delete | Delete a Navigator |
l_navigator_getLabel | Query the Label of a Navigator |
l_navigator_getPath | Get the sequence of nodes of a navigator's current path |
l_navigator_ids | List Navigators |
l_navigator_relabel | Modify the Label of a Navigator |
l_navigator_walk_backward | Have the Navigator Walk Backward on the Current Path |
l_navigator_walk_forward | Have the Navigator Walk Forward on the Current Path |
l_navigator_walk_path | Have the Navigator Walk a Path on the Graph |
l_nDimStateNames | N dimensional state names access |
l_nestedTclList2Rlist | Convert a Nested Tcl List to an R List |
l_ng_plots | 2d navigation graph setup with with dynamic node fitering... |
l_ng_plots.default | Select 2d spaces with variable associated measures displayed... |
l_ng_plots.measures | 2d Navigation Graph Setup with dynamic node fitering using a... |
l_ng_plots.scagnostics | 2d Navigation Graph Setup with dynamic node fitering based on... |
l_ng_ranges | 2d navigation graph setup with with dynamic node fitering... |
l_ng_ranges.default | Select 2d spaces with variable associated measures using a... |
l_ng_ranges.measures | 2d Navigation Graph Setup with dynamic node fitering using a... |
l_ng_ranges.scagnostics | 2d Navigation Graph Setup with dynamic node fitering based on... |
loon | loon: A Toolkit for Interactive Data Visualization and... |
loongraph | Create a graph object of class loongraph |
loonGrob | Create a grid grob from a loon widget handle |
loonGrob_layoutType | A generic function used to distinguish whether only the... |
loon_palette | Loon's color generator for creating color palettes |
l_pairs | An interactive scatterplot matrix |
l_plot | Create an interactive loon plot widget |
l_plot3D | Create an interactive loon 3d plot widget |
l_plot_arguments | Arguments common to l_plot functions |
l_plot_inspector | Create a Scatterplot Inspector |
l_plot_inspector_analysis | Create a Scatterplot Analysis Inspector |
l_plot_ts | Draw a decomposed time series loon plot |
l_predict | Model Prediction |
l_primitiveGlyphs | The primitive glyphs available to a scatterplot or graph... |
l_redraw | Force a Content Redraw of a Plot |
l_resize | Resize Plot Widget |
l_Rlist2nestedTclList | Convert an R list to a nested Tcl list |
l_saveStates | Save the info states of a loon plot widget in a file |
l_scale3D | Scale for 3d plotting |
l_scaleto_active | Change Plot Region to Display All Active Data |
l_scaleto_layer | Change Plot Region to Display All Elements of a Particular... |
l_scaleto_plot | Change Plot Region to Display the All Data of the Model Layer |
l_scaleto_selected | Change Plot Region to Display All Selected Data |
l_scaleto_world | Change Plot Region to Display All Plot Data |
l_serialaxes | Create an interactive serialaxes (parallel axes or radial... |
l_serialaxes_inspector | Create a Serialaxes Inspector |
l_setAspect | Set the aspect ratio of a plot |
l_setColorList | Use custom colors for mapping nominal values to distinct... |
l_setColorList_baseR | Set loon's color mapping list to the colors from base R |
l_setColorList_ColorBrewer | Set loon's color mapping list to the colors from ColorBrewer |
l_setColorList_ggplot2 | Set loon's color mapping list to the colors from ggplot2 |
l_setColorList_hcl | Set loon's color mapping list to the colors from hcl color... |
l_setColorList_loon | Set loon's color mapping list to the colors from loon... |
l_setLinkedStates | Modify States of a Plot that are Linked in Loon's Standard... |
l_setOption | Set the value of a loon display option |
l_setTitleFont | Set the title font of all loon displays |
l_size | Query Size of a Plot Display |
l_size-set | Resize Plot Widget |
l_state_names | Get State Names of Loon Object |
l_subwin | Create a child widget path |
l_throwErrorIfNotLoonWidget | Throw an error if string is not associated with a loon widget |
l_toplevel | loon tk top level |
l_toR | Convert a Tcl Object to some other R object |
l_userOptionDefault | Get loon's system default value for the named display option. |
l_userOptions | Get the names of all loon display options that can be set by... |
l_web | Open a browser with loon's R documentation webpage |
l_widget | Dummy function to be used in the Roxygen documentation |
l_worldview | Create a Worldview Inspector |
l_zoom | Zoom from and towards the center |
measures1d | Closure of One Dimensional Measures |
measures2d | Closure of Two Dimensional Measures |
minority | Canadian Visible Minority Data 2006 |
names.loon | Get State Names of Loon Object |
ndtransitiongraph | Create a n-d transition graph |
olive | Fatty Acid Composition of Italian Olive Oils |
oliveAcids | Just the Fatty Acid Composition of Italian Olive Oils |
oliveLocations | Geographic location of each Italian olive growing area named... |
plot.loon | Plot the current view of any loon plot in the current device. |
plot.loongraph | Plot a loon graph object with base R graphics |
print.l_layer | Print a summary of a loon layer object |
print.measures1d | Print function names from measure1d object |
print.measures2d | Print function names from measure2d object |
scagnostics2d | Closure of Two Dimensional Scagnostic Measures |
tcl_img_2_r_raster | A tk Image Object to a Raster Object |
tkcolors | List the valid Tk color names |
UsAndThem | Data to re-create Hans Rosling's famous "Us and Them"... |
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