Man pages for lsgl
Linear Multiple Output Sparse Group Lasso

AirlineTicketPricesAirline Ticket Prices.
best_model.lsglIndex of best model
coef.lsglNonzero Coefficients
cvCross Validation
Err.lsglError Rates
features.lsglNonzero Features
features_stat.lsglExtract feature statistics
fitFit a linear multiple output model using sparse group lasso
lambdaCompute a lambda sequence for the regularization path
lsglDeprecated fit function
lsgl.algorithm.configCreate a new algorithm configuration
lsgl.c.configFeatch information about the C side configuration of the...
lsgl.cvDeprecated cv function
lsgl.lambdaDeprecated lambda function
lsgl-packageLinear Multiple Output Using Sparse Group Lasso.
lsgl.standard.configStandard algorithm configuration
lsgl.subsamplingDeprecated subsampling function
models.lsglExstract Fitted Models
nmod.lsglNumber of Models
parameters.lsglNonzero Parameters
parameters_stat.lsglExtracting parameter statistics
print.lsglPrint function for lsgl
XDesign matrix
YResponse matrix
lsgl documentation built on May 29, 2017, 11:43 a.m.