Man pages for lsplsGlm
Classification using LS-PLS for Logistic Regression

BreastCancerGene expression and clinical data used to predict the...
CentralCNSGene expression and clinical data used to predict tumors of...
cv.lspcr.glmCross-validation for LS-PCR model for logistic regression
cv.lspls.glmCross-validation for LS-PLS model for logistic regression
fit.lspcr.glmFitting a LS-PCR model for logistic regression
fit.lspls.glmFitting LS-PLS for generalized model for logistic regression
lsplsWeighted LS-PLS gaussian regression
plsWeighted PLS gaussian regression
predict.lspcr.glmPredict method for LS-PCR fits.
predict.lspls.glmPredict method for LS-PLS model fits.
preselected.sampleSelected randomized controlled random sample
SIS.selectionSure Independence Screening
lsplsGlm documentation built on May 2, 2019, 12:36 p.m.