Man pages for lsr
Companion to "Learning Statistics with R"

aadMean (average) absolute deviation from the mean
associationTestChi-square test of association / independence
barsGrouped Bar Plots with Error Bars
ciMeanConfidence interval around the mean
cohensDCohen's d
copyCopies a vector into a matrix
correlateCorrelation matrices
cramersVCramer's V
etaSquaredEffect size calculations for ANOVAs
expandFactorsExpand factors to a set of contrasts
goodnessOfFitTestChi-square test against specified probabilities
importListImport a list
independentSamplesTTestIndependent samples t-test
longToWideReshape from long to wide
modeSample mode
oneSampleTTestOne sample t-test
pairedSamplesTTestPaired samples t-test
permuteLevelsPermute the levels of a factor
posthocPairwiseTPost-hoc pairwise t-tests for ANOVA
print.assocTestPrint method for lsr chi-square tests
print.correlatePrint method for correlate objects
print.gofTestPrint method for lsr goodness-of-fit tests
print.TTestPrint method for lsr t-tests
print.whoListPrint method for whoList objects
quantileCutCut by quantiles
rmAllRemove all objects
sortFrameSort a data frame
standardCoefsStandardised regression coefficients
tFrameTranspose a data frame
unlibraryUnload a package
whoContents of workspace
wideToLongReshape from wide to long
lsr documentation built on Dec. 11, 2021, 9:10 a.m.