sparkline: Create a Sparkline

View source: R/ltxsparklines.R

sparklineR Documentation

Create a Sparkline


The function creates a TeX expression for a sparkline from the data supplied.


sparkline(x = NULL, y = NULL, xspikes = NULL, yspikes = NULL,
          xdots = NULL, ydots = NULL, dotcolor = NULL,
          width = getOption("ltxsparklines.width"),
          rectangle = c(NA, NA),
          xlim = c(NA, NA), ylim = c(NA, NA),
          clip = getOption("ltxsparklines.clip"),
          na.rm = getOption(""),
          bottomline = getOption("ltxsparklines.bottomline"),
          bottomlinelength = NA,
          bottomlinex = getOption("ltxsparklines.bottomlinex"),
          startdotcolor = getOption("ltxsparklines.startdotcolor"),
          enddotcolor = getOption("ltxsparklines.enddotcolor"),
          output = getOption('ltxsparklines.output'))



The data for sparkline. If both x and y are present, they must be vectors of the same length, and interpreted as x and y coordinates for a sparkline. If only x or y is present, then the result depends on its class:

  • If it is a matrix or data frame, then its first column is assumed to be the x coordinate, and its second column is assumed to be the y coordinate.

  • If it is a time series (either ts or zoo), then it is assumed to be the y coordinate, and time(x) is assumed to be the x coordinate.

  • Otherwise it is assumed to be the y coordinate, and the sequence 1:length(x) is assumed to be x coordinate.


See x.


The data for spikes: small bar chart similar to sparklines. If both xspikes and yspikes are present, they are x and y coordinates for spike. If only one is present, it is interpreted as x above.


See xspikes above.


The data for dots: small dot chart similar to sparklines. If both xdots and ydots are present, they are x and y coordinates for dots. If only one is present, it is interpreted as x above with one addition: if xdots is a data frame, and has three or more columns, and dotcolor is not set, the third column is interpreted as the dot color.


See ydots above


The color of dots as a LaTeX color. A vector like c('red', 'blue', 'green'). If it is larger than the number of dots, it will be truncated. If it is shorted than the number of dots, it will be recycled.

If it is not set, and data do not provide it, option('ltxsparklines.defaultdotcolor') is used.


The width of the sparline in ex of the current font. By default 10. To change the default, use option(ltxsparklines.width=...).


A vector c(min,max) for the bottom and top of the background rectangle (for example, to show IQR of the data). If NA, no rectangle is drawn.


A vector c(min,max) of the x range of the data mapped to the c(0,1) interval. If any of its components is NA, the default, the actual range is used.


A vector c(min,max) of the y range of the data mapped to the c(0,1) interval. If any of its components is NA, the default, the actual range is used.


Whether to clip the sparkline to the drawing region. The default is not clipping. To change the default, use option(ltxsparklines.clip=TRUE). You need LaTeX package at least v1.7 for clipping.


Whether to delete NA lines from the spark data. If TRUE (the default), the sparkline is drawn over the gaps in the data. Otherwise gaps in the data lead to gaps in the line, so it is presented as a number of chunks. Note that continuous chunks of data must have at least two data points to be drawn.

This parameter does not affect spikes or dots.


Whether to draw a bottom line. By default, FALSE. To change the default, use option(ltxsparklines.bottomline=...). You need LaTeX package at least v1.6 for bottom lines.


The length of bottom line. If NA (the default), the bottom line extends to the end ot the spark rectangle.


The dimensions of the extended bottom line. If c(NA, NA) (the default), the extended bottom line is not drawn. You need LaTeX package at least v1.7 for extended bottom lines.


The color of the dot at the beginning of the spark line. If NA (the default), no dot is drawn. To change the default, use option(ltxsparklines.startdotcolor=...).


The color of the dot at the end of the spark line. If NA (the default), no dot is drawn. To change the default, use option(ltxsparklines.enddotcolor=...).


The format of the output. Sweave uses special processing for inline (Sexpr) code. Thus you need to set output to inlineSweave if you use Sweave and Sexpr. If you use knitr or a Sweave chunk, set output to knitr. This is the default, to change it, use option(ltxsparklines.output='inlineSweave'). See Details below.


Most of the parameters of the sparkline are defined by the TeX code. Thus all color values must be understandable to LaTeX. For example, you can put in the TeX file


and then use it like sparkline(Nile, startdotcolor="startdot").

You should use LaTeX command to change sparkline parameters, for example,


The output of sparkline is also a TeX command, so you want to put it inside Sexpr or a code chunk. Note that Sweave use a special processing for Sexpr, so you need to set output="inlineSweave" for inline Sweave output. Use output="knitr" for knitr (both inline and chunks) and Sweave chunks.

The parameters xlim and ylim define the mapping between the data and the sparkline rectangle. If there are data points outside the rectangle, they may overplot the text. You may set clip to TRUE to prevent this.


The function returns a string executable by TeX, to be used in \Sexpr, for example Nile level changed over the years: \Sexpr{sparkline(Nile)}.

Do not forget to add \usepackage{sparklines} to the preamble of your TeX document.


Boris Veytsman

See Also

ltxsparklines-package, vignette{ltxsparklines}


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ltxsparklines documentation built on April 6, 2022, 9:06 a.m.