Man pages for lwgeom
Bindings to Selected 'liblwgeom' Functions for Simple Features

bounding_circleGenerate the minimum bounding circle
geodliblwgeom geodetic functions
lwgeom_extSoftVersionProvide the external dependencies versions of the libraries...
lwgeom_make_validMake an invalid geometry valid
perimetercompute perimeter from polygons or other geometries
st_as_sfc.TWKBcreate sfc object from tiny well-known binary (twkb)
st_astextReturn Well-known Text representation of simple feature...
st_force_polygon_cwForce a POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON to be clockwise
st_geod_azimuthcompute azimuth between sequence of points
st_geohashcompute geohash from (average) coordinates
st_is_polygon_cwCheck if a POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON is clockwise
st_linesubstringget substring from linestring
st_snap_to_gridSnap geometries to a grid
st_splitReturn a collection of geometries resulting by splitting a...
st_startpointReturn the start and end points from lines
st_subdivideReturn a collection of geometries resulting by subdividing a...
st_transform_projTransform or convert coordinates of simple features directly...
st_wrap_xSplits input geometries by a vertical line and moves...
lwgeom documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:40 a.m.