Man pages for mFD
Compute and Illustrate the Multiple Facets of Functional Diversity

alpha.fd.feCompute the set of indices based on number of species in...
alpha.fd.fe.plotIllustrate Functional Diversity indices based on Functional...
alpha.fd.hillCompute Functional alpha-Diversity indices based on Hill...
alpha.fd.multidimCompute a set of alpha functional indices for a set of...
alpha.multidim.plotPlot functional space and chosen functional indices
asb.sp.summarySummarize Assemblage x Species data frame
background.plotPlot background of multidimensional plots
baskets_fruits_weightsDataset: Baskets Composition in Fruits Species
beta.fd.hillCompute Functional beta-Diversity indices based on Hill...
beta.fd.multidimCompute Functional beta-Diversity indices for pairs of...
beta.multidim.plotIllustrate Functional beta-Diversity indices for pairs of...
dist.nearneighbCompute distance of a given point to its nearest neighbor in...
dist.pointCompute distances of all points to a given point in the... distance object(s) into a single data frame
fdis.plotPlot FDis index
fdiv.plotPlot FDiv indice
feve.plotPlot FEve index
fide.plotPlot FIde index
fnnd.plotPlot FNND index
fori.plotPlot FOri
fric.plotPlot FRic index
fruits_traitsDataset: Traits Values of Fruits Species
fruits_traits_catDataset: Fruits Traits Informations
fspe.plotPlot FSpe
funct.distCompute functional distance between species species position in a functional space
fuseCompute FUSE (Functionally Unique, Specialized and...
mFD-packagemFD: Compute and Illustrate the Multiple Facets of Functional...
mst.computationCompute the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) linking species of a... individual plots along a pair of functional axes into a...
pool.plotPlot species from the pool
quality.fspacesCompute functional spaces and their quality
quality.fspaces.plotPlot functional space quality with a chosen quality metric
sp.filterRetrieve information about species in a given assemblage Functional Entities composition based on a Species x... Species x Traits data frame
traits.faxes.corCorrelation between Traits and Axes
tr.cont.fspaceBuild a functional space based on continuous traits only
tr.cont.scaleScale continuous traits
verticesCompute vertices of the Minimal Convex Hull shaping species...
mFD documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:25 a.m.