A Comparison of maSAE to forestinventory

What is this about?

In 2016, Andreas Hill published package forestinventory. We thought about merging the packages, but never actually got to it: maSAE is S4, forestinventory is S3, both of us are busy doing other stuff. So I am trying to at least compare functionality of both packages.



I need some helpers for checking and comparing results from maSAE and forestinventory:

clean <- function(x, which = NULL) {
    if (identical(FALSE, which)) {
        res <- as.matrix(unname(x[TRUE, TRUE]))
    } else {
        if (is.null(which)) {
            if (all(c( "small_area", "prediction", "variance") %in% names(x))) {
                res <- as.matrix(unname(x[TRUE, 1:3]))
            } else {
                res <- as.matrix(unname(x[["estimation"]][TRUE, c("area", "estimate", "g_variance")]))
        } else {
            res <- as.matrix(unname(x[TRUE, c(1, grep(which, names(x)))]))

compare <- function(maSAE, forestinventory, message = NULL) {
    if(! isTRUE(all.equal(clean(maSAE), clean(forestinventory), 
                          check.attributes = FALSE))) {
        message <- c("Differing results from maSAE and forestinventory: ", 

I use the grisons data set from forestinventory:

data(grisons, package = "forestinventory")

I define regression models for simple and cluster sampling:

formula.s0 <- tvol ~ mean # reduced model:
formula.s1 <- tvol ~ mean + stddev + max + q75 # full model
formula.clust.s0 <- basal ~ stade
formula.clust.s1 <- basal ~ stade + couver + melange


Some data handling, true means are taken from forestinventory`s vignette. :

truemeans.G <- data.frame(Intercept = rep(1, 4),
                          mean = c(12.85, 12.21, 9.33, 10.45),
                          stddev = c(9.31, 9.47, 7.90, 8.36),
                          max = c(34.92, 35.36, 28.81, 30.22),
                          q75 = c(19.77, 19.16, 15.40, 16.91))
rownames(truemeans.G) <- c("A", "B", "C", "D")

# data adjustments
s1 <- grisons[grisons[["phase_id_2p"]] == 1, ]
s2 <- grisons[grisons[["phase_id_2p"]] == 2, ]
s12 <- rbind(s1, s2)
s12$s1 <- s12$phase_id_2p %in% c(1, 2)
s12$s2 <- s12$phase_id_2p == 2

tm <- truemeans.G
tm[["smallarea"]] <- row.names(tm)
tm[["Intercept"]] <- NULL

truemeans.G.partially <- truemeans.G[, -which(names(truemeans.G) %in% c("stddev", "mean"))]
tm.partially <- tm[, -which(names(tm) %in% c("stddev", "mean"))]

No Exhaustive Auxiliary Information

This is the estimation given on bottom of page 15 of forestinventory`s vignette:

summary(twophase(formula = formula.s1, 
                 data = grisons,
                 phase_id = list(phase.col = "phase_id_2p", terrgrid.id = 2),
                 small_area = list(sa.col = "smallarea", 
                                   areas = c("A", "B","C", "D"),
                                   unbiased = TRUE),
                 boundary_weights = "boundary_weights"

Now I`m using both packages to make predictions:

maSAE <- predict(saObj(data = s12,
                       f = update(formula.s1, ~ . | smallarea),
                       auxiliaryWeights = "boundary_weights",
                       s2 = 's2')

forestinventory <- twophase(formula = formula.s1, 
                            data = grisons,
                            phase_id = list(phase.col = "phase_id_2p", terrgrid.id = 2),
                            small_area = list(sa.col = "smallarea", 
                                              areas = c("A", "B","C", "D"),
                                              unbiased = TRUE),
                            boundary_weights = "boundary_weights"

Both packages deliver the same results:

compare(maSAE, forestinventory, "two-phase, ext. pseudo sae")

Now I benchmark them, calculating the small, synthetic and extended synthetic estimators:

wrap_two <- function(...) {
    dots <- list(...)
    dots$small_area$unbiased <- TRUE
    ex <- do.call(twophase, dots)$estimation
    dots$psmall <- TRUE
    small <- do.call(twophase, dots)$estimation
    dots$psmall <- FALSE
    dots$small_area$unbiased <- FALSE
    synth <- do.call(twophase, dots)$estimation
    cbind(ex[TRUE, c("estimate", "g_variance")], 
          synth[TRUE, c("estimate", "g_variance")], 
          small[TRUE, c("estimate", "g_variance")])

mbmb <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark
mb <- mbmb(
           forestinventory = wrap_two(formula = formula.s1, 
                                    data = grisons,
                                    phase_id = list(phase.col = "phase_id_2p", terrgrid.id = 2),
                                    small_area = list(sa.col = "smallarea", 
                                                      areas = c("A", "B","C", "D"),
                                                      unbiased = TRUE)
           maSAE = predict(saObj(data = s12, 
                                 f = update(formula.s1, ~ . | smallarea),
                                 s2 = 's2'
                                 ))[, -1],
           check = "equivalent"

maSAE seems a bit faster:


Full Exhaustive Auxiliary Information

The estimation given on page 17 of forestinventory`s vignette is (there are no boundary weights here):

forestinventory <- twophase(formula = formula.s1, 
                            data = grisons,
                            phase_id = list(phase.col = "phase_id_2p", 
                                            terrgrid.id = 2),
                            small_area = list(sa.col ="smallarea", 
                                              areas = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
                                              unbiased = TRUE),
                            exhaustive = truemeans.G)

Again, predictions from both packages are identical:

maSAE <- predict(saObj(data = s12, 
                       f = update(formula.s1, ~ . | smallarea),
                       s2 = 's2',
                       smallAreaMeans = tm))
compare(maSAE, forestinventory, "two-phase, ext. sae")

The benchmarks again:

mb <- mbmb(
           forestinventory = wrap_two(formula = formula.s1, 
                                            data = grisons,
                                            phase_id = list(phase.col = "phase_id_2p", 
                                                            terrgrid.id = 2),
                                            small_area = list(sa.col ="smallarea", 
                                                              areas = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
                                                              unbiased = TRUE),
                                            exhaustive = truemeans.G),
           maSAE = predict(saObj(data = s12, 
                                       f = update(formula.s1, ~ . | smallarea),
                                       s2 = 's2',
                                       smallAreaMeans = tm))[, -1],

           check = "equivalent")


Some data handling, true means are taken from forestinventory`s vignette. :

truemeans.G <- data.frame(Intercept = rep(1, 4),
                          mean = c(12.85, 12.21, 9.33, 10.45))
rownames(truemeans.G) <- c("A", "B", "C", "D")

## data adjustments
s12_3p <- grisons[grisons[["phase_id_3p"]] %in% c(1,2), ]
s0 <- grisons[grisons[["phase_id_3p"]] ==0 , ]
s12_3p$s1 <- s12_3p$phase_id_3p %in% c(1, 2)
s12_3p$s2 <- s12_3p$phase_id_3p == 2
s0$s1 <- s0$s2 <- FALSE
predictors_s0 <- all.vars(formula.s0)[-1]
predictors_s1 <- all.vars(formula.s1)[-1]
                        setdiff(predictors_s1, predictors_s0),
                        " <- NA"))))
s012 <- rbind(s0, s12_3p)
tm <- truemeans.G
tm[["smallarea"]] <- row.names(tm)
tm[["Intercept"]] <- NULL

No Exhaustive Auxiliary Information

The estimation given on page 23 of forestinventory`s vignette is:

                   data = grisons,
                   phase_id = list(phase.col = "phase_id_3p", s1.id = 1, terrgrid.id = 2),
                   small_area=list(sa.col = "smallarea", areas = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
                                   unbiased = TRUE),
                   boundary_weights = "boundary_weights"

Wait, the ext_variance differs, but thats a problem withforestinventory`...

I make predictions omitting the boundary weights:

forestinventory <- threephase(formula.s0,
                              data = grisons,
                              phase_id = list(phase.col = "phase_id_3p", s1.id = 1, terrgrid.id = 2),
                              small_area=list(sa.col = "smallarea", areas = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
                                              unbiased = TRUE),
                              boundary_weights = "boundary_weights"

maSAE <- predict(saObj(data = s012, 
                       f = update(formula.s1, ~ . | smallarea),
                       s1 = 's1',
                       auxiliaryWeights = "boundary_weights",
                       s2 = 's2'))
compare(maSAE, forestinventory, "three-phase, ext. pseudo sae")

The benchmarks again:

wrap_three <- function(...) {
    dots <- list(...)
    dots$small_area$unbiased <- TRUE
    ex <- do.call(threephase, dots)$estimation
    dots$psmall <- TRUE
    small <- do.call(threephase, dots)$estimation
    dots$psmall <- FALSE
    dots$small_area$unbiased <- FALSE
    synth <- do.call(threephase, dots)$estimation
    cbind(ex[TRUE, c("estimate", "g_variance")], 
          synth[TRUE, c("estimate", "g_variance")], 
          small[TRUE, c("estimate", "g_variance")])

mb <- mbmb(
           forestinventory = wrap_three(formula.s0,
                              data = grisons,
                              phase_id = list(phase.col = "phase_id_3p", s1.id = 1, terrgrid.id = 2),
                              small_area=list(sa.col = "smallarea", areas = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
                                              unbiased = TRUE)
           maSAE = predict(suppressMessages(saObj(data = s012, 
                       f = update(formula.s1, ~ . | smallarea),
                       s1 = 's1',
                       s2 = 's2')))[, -1],

           check = "equivalent")

Partially Exhaustive Auxiliary Information

Funny: forestinventory can`t deal with partially exhaustive auxiliary information for two-phase sampling:

try(twophase(formula = formula.s1, 
             data = grisons,
             phase_id = list(phase.col = "phase_id_2p", 
                             terrgrid.id = 2),
             small_area = list(sa.col ="smallarea", 
                               areas = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
                               unbiased = TRUE),
             exhaustive = truemeans.G.partially))
predict(saObj(data = s12, 
              f = update(formula.s1, ~ . | smallarea),
              s2 = 's2',
              smallAreaMeans = tm.partially))

Whereas maSAE can`t deal with partially exhaustive auxiliary information for three-phase sampling:

summary(forestinventory <- threephase(formula.s0,
                              data = grisons,
                              phase_id = list(phase.col = "phase_id_3p", s1.id = 1, terrgrid.id = 2),
                              small_area = list(sa.col = "smallarea", areas = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
                                                unbiased = TRUE),
                              exhaustive = truemeans.G))

try(predict(saObj(data = s012, 
              f = update(formula.s1, ~ . | smallarea),
              s2 = 's2',
              s1 = 's1',
              smallAreaMeans = tm)))

I do not see what three-phase partially exhaustive information would be. So: is partially exhaustive auxiliary information two- or three-phase?

Is Partially Exhaustive Auxiliary Information Two- or Three-Phase?

The (first) estimation given on page 22 of forestinventory`s vignette is:

extsynth_3p <- threephase(formula.s0, formula.s1, data = grisons,
                          phase_id = list(phase.col = "phase_id_3p",
                                          s1.id = 1, terrgrid.id = 2),
                          small_area = list(sa.col = "smallarea", areas = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
                                            unbiased = TRUE),
                          exhaustive = truemeans.G,
                          boundary_weights = "boundary_weights"
s12_3p$s1 <- NULL
s12_3p$phase_id_2p <- NULL
s12_3p$phase_id_3p <- NULL
maSAE <- predict(saObj(data = s12_3p, 
                       f = update(formula.s1, ~ . | smallarea),
                       auxiliaryWeights = "boundary_weights",
                       s2 = 's2', smallAreaMeans = tm)
compare(maSAE, extsynth_3p, "three-phase, ext. sae")

So this is a two-phase setup, forestinventory seems to need the three-phase setup (the reduced model) to identify the partially exhaustive part of the auxiliary information. The corresponding publication is

Daniel Mandallaz, Jochen Breschan, and Andreas Hill. New regression estimators in forest inventories with two-phase sampling and partially exhaustive information: a design-based Monte Carlo approach with applications to small-area estimation. In: Canadian Journal of Forest Research 43.11 (2013), pp. 1023-1031. doi: 10.1139/cjfr-2013-0181.

The benchmarks again:

mb <- mbmb(
           forestinventory = wrap_three(formula.s0,
                              data = grisons,
                              phase_id = list(phase.col = "phase_id_3p", s1.id = 1, terrgrid.id = 2),
                              small_area = list(sa.col = "smallarea", areas = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
                                                unbiased = TRUE),
                              exhaustive = truemeans.G),
           maSAE = predict(suppressMessages(saObj(data = s12_3p, 
                       f = update(formula.s1, ~ . | smallarea),
                       s2 = 's2', smallAreaMeans = tm)))[, -1],
           check = "equivalent")

Cluster Sampling

I adapt data from maSAE to section 6.2 of forestinventory`s vignette:

suppressWarnings(rm("s1" ,"s2", "s12"))
data("s1", "s2", package = "maSAE")
s12 <- bind_data(s1, s2)
# adapt for forestinventory
s12[["g"]][is.na(s12[["g"]])] <- "a"
s12[["phase"]]  <-  s12[["phase1"]] + s12[["phase2"]]
maSAE <- predict(suppressMessages(saObj(data = s12, f = y ~x1 + x2 + x3 | g,
              s2 = "phase2", cluster = "clustid")))
extpsynth.clust <- twophase(y ~x1 + x2 + x3,
         data = s12,
         cluster = "clustid",
         phase_id = list(phase.col = "phase", s1.id = 1, terrgrid.id = 2),
         small_area = list(sa.col = "g", areas = c("a", "b"),
                           unbiased = TRUE))
compare(maSAE, extpsynth.clust, "three-phase, ext. sae")
mb <- mbmb(
           forestinventory = clean(twophase(y ~x1 + x2 + x3,
         data = s12,
         cluster = "clustid",
         phase_id = list(phase.col = "phase", s1.id = 1, terrgrid.id = 2),
         small_area = list(sa.col = "g", areas = c("a", "b"),
                           unbiased = TRUE))),
           maSAE = clean(predict(suppressMessages(saObj(data = s12, f = y ~x1 + x2 + x3 | g,
              s2 = "phase2", cluster = "clustid")))),

           check = "equivalent")

Now I use the example given in section 6.2 of forestinventory`s vignette:

  data("zberg", package = "forestinventory")
  forestinventory <- forestinventory::twophase(
    formula = basal ~ stade + couver + melange, data = zberg,
    phase_id = list(phase.col = "phase_id_2p", terrgrid.id = 2),
    cluster = "cluster",
    small_area = list(
      sa.col = "ismallold", areas = c("1"),
      unbiased = TRUE
  s1 <- zberg[zberg[["phase_id_2p"]] == 1, ]
  s2 <- zberg[zberg[["phase_id_2p"]] == 2, ]
  s12 <- rbind(s1, s2)
  s12[["s1"]] <- s12[["phase_id_2p"]] %in% c(1, 2)
  s12[["s2"]] <- s12[["phase_id_2p"]] == 2
  object <- maSAE::saObj(
    data = s12,
    f = basal ~ stade + couver + melange | ismallold,
    s2 = "s2",
    cluster = "cluster"
  maSAE <- maSAE::predict(object)
  compare(maSAE[2,], forestinventory, "clustered, ext. sae")

Obviously, something went wrong. The difference to the previous example? zberg contains nominally scaled predictors. If I ignore the cluster design, both packages give the same result:

  forestinventory <- forestinventory::twophase(
    formula = basal ~ stade + couver + melange, data = zberg,
    phase_id = list(phase.col = "phase_id_2p", terrgrid.id = 2),
    small_area = list(
      sa.col = "ismallold", areas = c("1"),
      unbiased = TRUE
  object <- maSAE::saObj(
    data = s12,
    f = basal ~ stade + couver + melange | ismallold,
    s2 = "s2",
  maSAE <- maSAE::predict(object)
  compare(maSAE[2,], forestinventory, "clustered, ext. sae")

I do not know where that comes from. But since maSAE has very structured code compared to forestinventory (maSAE needs about 500 lines of code for its prediction functions, forestinventory more than 2200), I am biased to believe maSAE.


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maSAE documentation built on April 12, 2021, 5:06 p.m.