Man pages for madshapR
Support Technical Processes Following 'Maelstrom Research' Standards

as_categoryValidate and coerce any object as a categorical variable.
as_data_dictValidate and coerce any object as a data dictionary
as_data_dict_mlstrValidate and coerce any object as an Opal data dictionary...
as_data_dict_shapeValidate and coerce any object as a workable data dictionary...
as_datasetValidate and coerce any object as a dataset
as_dossierValidate and coerce any object as a dossier (list of...
as_taxonomyValidate and coerce any object as a taxonomy
as_valueTypeValidate and coerce any object according to a given valueType
bookdown_openObjects exported from other packages
bookdown_renderObjects exported from other packages
bookdown_templateObjects exported from other packages
check_data_dict_categoriesAssess a data dictionary for potential issues in categories
check_data_dict_missing_categoriesAssess categorical variables for non-Boolean values in...
check_data_dict_valueTypeAssess a data dictionary for non-valid valueType values
check_data_dict_variablesAssess a data dictionary for potential issues in variables
check_dataset_categoriesAssess a data dictionary and associated dataset for category...
check_dataset_valueTypeAssess a data dictionary and associated dataset for valueType...
check_dataset_variablesAssess a data dictionary and associated dataset for...
check_name_standardsAssess variable names in a data dictionary for non-standard...
col_idReturn the id column names(s) of a dataset
data_dict_applyApply a data dictionary to a dataset
data_dict_collapseTransform multi-row category column(s) to single rows and...
data_dict_evaluateGenerate an assessment report for a data dictionary
data_dict_expandTransform single-row category information to multiple rows as...
data_dict_extractGenerate a data dictionary from a dataset
data_dict_filterSubset data dictionary by row values
data_dict_group_byGroup listed data dictionaries by specified column names
data_dict_group_splitSplit grouped data dictionaries into a named list
data_dict_list_nestBind listed data dictionaries
data_dict_match_datasetInner join between a dataset and its associated data...
data_dict_pivot_longerTransform column(s) of a data dictionary from wide format to...
data_dict_pivot_widerTransform column(s) of a data dictionary from long format to...
data_dict_ungroupUngroup data dictionary
data_extractCreate an empty dataset from a data dictionary
dataset_cat_as_labelsApply data dictionary category labels to the associated...
dataset_evaluateGenerate an assessment report for a dataset
dataset_preprocessGenerate an evaluation of all variable values in a dataset
dataset_summarizeGenerate an assessment report and summary of a dataset
dataset_visualizeGenerate a web-based visual report for a dataset
dataset_zap_data_dictRemove labels (attributes) from a data frame, leaving its...
deprecatedDeprecated functions
dossier_createGenerate a dossier from a list of one or more datasets
dossier_evaluateGenerate an assessment report of a dossier
dossier_summarizeGenerate an assessment report and summary of a dossier
drop_categoryValidate and coerce any object as a non-categorical variable.
is_categoryTest if an object is a valid dataset
is_data_dictTest if an object is a valid data dictionary
is_data_dict_mlstrTest if an object is a valid Maelstrom data dictionary
is_data_dict_shapeTest if an object is a workable data dictionary structure
is_datasetTest if an object is a valid dataset
is_dossierTest if an object is a valid dossier (list of dataset(s))
is_taxonomyTest if an object is a valid taxonomy
is_valueTypeTest if a character object is one of the valid valueType...
madshapR_DEMOBuilt-in material allowing the user to test the package with...
madshapR-packagemadshapR: Support Technical Processes Following 'Maelstrom...
madshapR_websiteCall to online documentation
summary_variablesProvide descriptive statistics for variables in a dataset
summary_variables_categoricalProvide descriptive statistics for variables of categorical...
summary_variables_dateProvide descriptive statistics for variables of type 'date'...
summary_variables_datetimeProvide descriptive statistics for variables of type...
summary_variables_numericProvide descriptive statistics for variables of type...
summary_variables_textProvide descriptive statistics for variables of type 'text'...
valueType_adjustAttribute the valueType from a data dictionary to a dataset,...
valueType_guessGuess the first possible valueType of an object (Can be a...
valueType_listBuilt-in data frame of allowed valueType values
valueType_ofReturn the valueType of an object
valueType_self_adjustGuess and attribute the valueType of a data dictionary or...
variable_visualizeGenerate a list of charts, figures and summary tables of a...
madshapR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:43 a.m.