as_data_dict: Validate and coerce any object as a data dictionary

as_data_dictR Documentation

Validate and coerce any object as a data dictionary


Checks if an object is a valid data dictionary and returns it with the appropriate madshapR::class attribute. This function mainly helps validate inputs within other functions of the package but could be used to check if an object is valid for use in a function.





A potential data dictionary object to be coerced.


A data dictionary contains the list of variables in a dataset and metadata about the variables and can be associated with a dataset. A data dictionary object is a list of data frame(s) named 'Variables' (required) and 'Categories' (if any). To be usable in any function, the data frame 'Variables' must contain at least the name column, with all unique and non-missing entries, and the data frame 'Categories' must contain at least the variable and name columns, with unique combination of variable and name.


A list of data frame(s) with madshapR::class 'data_dict'.

See Also

For a better assessment, please use data_dict_evaluate().



# use madshapR_DEMO provided by the package

data_dict <- madshapR_DEMO$data_dict_PARIS


madshapR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:43 a.m.