Man pages for manipulateWidget
Add Even More Interactivity to Interactive Charts

combineWidgetsCombine several interactive plots
combineWidgets-shinyShiny bindings for combineWidgets
compareOptionsOptions for comparison mode
knit_print.MWControllerknit_print method for MWController object
manipulateWidgetAdd Controls to Interactive Plots
manipulateWidget-packageAdd even more interactivity to interactive charts
mwCheckboxAdd a checkbox to a manipulateWidget gadget
mwCheckboxGroupAdd a group of checkboxes to a manipulateWidget gadget
MWController-classController object of a manipulateWidget application
mwDateAdd a date picker to a manipulateWidget gadget
mwDateRangeAdd a date range picker to a manipulateWidget gadget
mwGroupGroup inputs in a collapsible box
mwModuleAdd a manipulateWidget to a shiny application
mwNumericAdd a numeric input to a manipulateWidget gadget
mwPasswordAdd a password to a manipulateWidget gadget
mwRadioAdd radio buttons to a manipulateWidget gadget
mwSelectAdd a Select list input to a manipulateWidget gadget
mwSelectizeAdd a Select list input to a manipulateWidget gadget
mwSharedValueShared Value
mwSliderAdd a Slider to a manipulateWidget gadget
mwTextAdd a text input to a manipulateWidget gadget
mwTranslationsTranslate UI titles and labels
staticPlotInclude a static image in a combinedWidgets
summary.MWControllersummary method for MWController object
worldEnergyUseEvolution of energy use per country
manipulateWidget documentation built on Oct. 5, 2021, 9:10 a.m.