
#' @title Sample Dataset: Moderated
#' Serial Mediation
#' @description Generated from a serial
#' mediation model with one predictor,
#' three mediators, and one outcome
#' variable, with one moderator in each
#' stage.
#' @format A data frame with 200 rows
#' and 11 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{x}{Predictor. Numeric.}
#'   \item{w1}{Moderator 1. Numeric.}
#'   \item{w2}{Moderator 2. Numeric.}
#'   \item{w3}{Moderator 3. Numeric.}
#'   \item{w4}{Moderator 4. Numeric.}
#'   \item{m1}{Mediator 1. Numeric.}
#'   \item{m2}{Mediator 2. Numeric.}
#'   \item{m3}{Mediator 3. Numeric.}
#'   \item{y}{Outcome variable. Numeric.}
#'   \item{gp}{Three values: "earth", "mars", "venus". String.}
#'   \item{city}{Four values: "alpha", "beta", "gamma", "sigma". String.}
#' }

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