Introduction to package `mapsapi`


The mapsapi package provides an interface to the Google Maps APIs, currently four of them:

Functions mp_directions, mp_matrix and mp_geocode are used to access the Directions, Matrix and Geocode APIs, respectively. They return an xml_document object (package xml2) with the response contents.

The fourth function mp_map is used to access the Maps Static API. It returns a stars raster RGB image, which can be used as background in maps.


The CRAN version can be installed with:


The development version can be installed using remotes:


Once installed, the package can be loaded with library:


A Google Maps APIs key is required to use the package:

key = "AIz....."


The following expression queries the Directions API for driving directions from Tel-Aviv and Haifa. Note that locations can be specified as a coordinate pair, a textual address or an sf spatial object. For example:

doc = mp_directions(
  origin = c(34.81127, 31.89277),
  destination = "Haifa",
  alternatives = TRUE,
  key = key,
  quiet = TRUE

Alternatively, we can use the sample response data included in the packages:

doc = as_xml_document(response_directions_driving)

Given the response object, we can use mp_get_routes to create a spatial layer of route lines:

r = mp_get_routes(doc)

Here is the resulting object:


and a visualization using leaflet:

pal = colorFactor(palette = "Dark2", domain = r$alternative_id)
leaflet() %>% 
  addProviderTiles("CartoDB.DarkMatter") %>%
  addPolylines(data = r, opacity = 1, weight = 7, color = ~pal(alternative_id))

Separate segments can be extracted from the same response using mp_get_segments:

seg = mp_get_segments(doc)

Here are the first six features of the resulting object:


and a visualization:

pal = colorFactor(
  palette = sample(colors(), length(unique(seg$segment_id))), 
  domain = seg$segment_id
leaflet(seg) %>% 
  addProviderTiles("CartoDB.DarkMatter") %>%
  addPolylines(opacity = 1, weight = 7, color = ~pal(segment_id), popup = ~instructions)

Distance Matrix

The following expression queries the Distance Matrix API to obtain a matrix of driving distance and duration between all combinations of three locations: Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem and Beer-Sheva.

locations = c("Tel-Aviv", "Jerusalem", "Beer-Sheva")
doc = mp_matrix(
  origins = locations,
  destinations = locations,
  key = key,
  quiet = TRUE

Alternatively, we can use the sample response data included in the packages:

doc = as_xml_document(response_matrix)

The mp_get_matrix function can then be used to process the XML response into a matrix. Possible values of the matrix include:

m = mp_get_matrix(doc, value = "distance_m")
colnames(m) = locations
rownames(m) = locations


The following expression queries the Directions API for geocoding a single address:

doc = mp_geocode(
  addresses = "Tel-Aviv",
  key = key,
  quiet = TRUE

Alternatively, we can use the sample response data included with the package:

doc = list("Tel-Aviv" = as_xml_document(response_geocode))

Given the response object, we can use mp_get_points to create a spatial layer of geocoded point locations:

pnt = mp_get_points(doc)

Here is a visualization using leaflet:

leaflet() %>% 
  addProviderTiles("CartoDB.DarkMatter") %>%
  addCircleMarkers(data = pnt)

Or the bounds:

bounds = mp_get_bounds(doc)

And a visualization using leaflet:

leaflet() %>% 
  addProviderTiles("CartoDB.DarkMatter") %>%  
  addPolygons(data = bounds)

Static maps

The mp_map function can be used to access the Maps Static API to download an RGB image with a map.

Here is an example:

r = mp_map(center = "31.253205,34.791914", zoom = 14, key = key, quiet = TRUE)

Alternatively, we can use the sample response data included with the package:

r = response_map

The result is a stars raster, which can be plotted with plot:

plot(r, useRaster = TRUE)

or with ggplot2:

cols = attr(r[[1]], "colors")
ggplot() +
  geom_stars(data = r, aes(x = x, y = y, fill = color)) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = cols, guide = FALSE) +

Try the mapsapi package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

mapsapi documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:20 p.m.