Man pages for mark
Miscellaneous, Analytic R Kernels

add_file_timestampAdd file timestamp
are_identicalIdentical extensions
array_extractArray extract
base_alphaAlpha base
base_nBase N conversion
between_moreBetween more
blank_valuesBlank values
char2factCharacter to factor
checkOptionsCheck options
chr_splitCharacter split
clipboardWrite to and read from the clipboard
complete_casesComplete cases
countsCount observations by unique values
date_from_partialPartial dates
detailDetails an object
diff_timeDiff time wrappers
drop_levelsDrop levels
eptParse and evaluate text
eval_named_chunkEvaluate a Named Chunk
expand_byExpands a vector
fact2charFactor to character
fact_na'fact' with 'NA'
fact_reverseFact reverse levels
fct_expand_seqFactor Expand by Sequence
file_copy_md5File copy with md5 hash check
file_infoFile information utils
file_nameFile name
file_utilsOpen a file using windows file associations
fizzbuzzFizz Buzz
get_dir_max_numberGet recent directory by number name
get_dir_recent_dateGet recent directory by date
get_recent_dirGet recent directory
get_recent_fileGet recent file
get_versionGet and bump version
globWildcard globbing
is_dirIs File/Directory
labelsDataframe labels
lines_of_r_codeLines of R code
list2dfList to data.frame
list_environmentsList all environments and objects
logic_extLogic - Extension'
ls_extList Objects - extensions
make_sfMake system file function
match_argMatch arguments
match_paramMatch params
median2Median (Q 50)
merge_listMerge lists
multi_greplMultiple searching
na_assignmentsNA at positions
na_colsSelecting NA columns
normalizeNormalize values
norm_pathNormalize paths
not_availableMake not available
noteAppend a note to an object
omit_naOmit NA values
package_availableCheck if package is available
percentile_rankPercentile rank
print_cPrint as c
print.mark_bib_dfPrint bib data frame
print.pseudo_idPrint 'pseudo_id'
process_bib_dataframeProcess bib values
pseudo_idCreate an ID for a vector
quiet_stopQuiet stop
range2Range 2
read_bibRead Bib file
recode_byRecode by
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
reindexReindex a data.frame
remove_naRemove NA
remove_nullRemove NULL
round_byRounding by a specific interval.
row_bindRow bind
save_sourceSave source
set_names0Set names
simpleTimeReportTime reports
sort_bySort by
sort_namesSort by names
source_filesSource file from directory
source_to_envSource to environment
sourcingSourcing extensions
str_extract_dateExtract date from string
str_sliceString Slice
switch-extSwitch with a list of parameters
tableNATable NA values
t_dfData frame transpose
to_booleanTo Boolean
todosGet TODOs
to_row_namesTo row names
trynTry an expression a set number of times
unlist0Unlist and squash
use_authorAdd author to DESCRIPTION
utils-pastePaste combine
vector2dfVector to data.frame
within_callFunction within
with_parTemporary plotting
write_file_md5Write file with md5 hash check
mark documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:13 a.m.