Man pages for maskRangeR
Mask Species Geographic Ranges

annotateAnnotate point data with rasters based on matching dates.
continuousMaskUpdate a binary raster (species range map) to continuous...
cropResampleTrimLine two rasters or stacks or lists of rasters
focalCompareGenerate layers based on different focal windows
lotsOfMasksGenerate and apply multiple masks to a map
manyMaskSensitivitySensitivity testing for masks
maskRangerMake a matrix of modeling decisions to be used to specify...
rangeSVMClassify species ranges based on occurrence coordinates and...
rangeSVM_predictGenerate a raster based on predictions of SVM model with...
thresholdSensitivitySensitivity testing for thresholds
maskRangeR documentation built on May 11, 2022, 5:07 p.m.