solve_network_flow: Solve a network flow problem.

View source: R/solve_network_flow.R

solve_network_flowR Documentation

Solve a network flow problem.


This function solves network flow optimization problems by calling the RELAX-IV algorithm implemented in FORTRAN by Dimitri Bertsekas and Paul Tseng, and made available by Sam Pimentel in the package rcbalance.





A list of five vectors: startn, endn, ucap, cost, b.


This function is of limited interest to users.


If the problem is feasible, function returns a list with the following elements: crash: an integer, equal to zero if the algorithm ran correctly and equal to 1 if it crashed. feasible: an integer, equal to zero if the problem is not feasible. x: a vector equal in length to the number of arcs in argument problem net, giving in each coordinate the number of units of flow passing across the corresponding edge in the optimal network flow. If the problem is not feasible, it returns "Not feasible."

match2C documentation built on March 31, 2023, 6:39 p.m.