Man pages for matie
Measuring Association and Testing Independence Efficiently

agramScattergram visualization of associations between all pairs...
amapHeatmap and dendrogram from associations between all pairs of...
baseballDataBaseball player performance and income dataset
fbvsForwards, backwards variable selection, picking variables to...
fdgForce directed graph visualization of associations between...
maMeasure association
ma.nlCalculates degree of nonlinearity for a particular...
ma.testp-value for an association score.
matie-packageMeasuring Association and Testing Independence Efficiently
pdPlot density (after an 'ma' calculation).
rwtRank with ties
sbdGenerates sample bivariate data.
shpdGenerates sample hyperplane data.
spaSemi-partial association (computes association while...
stdGenerates sample trivariate data set.
tapTest all pairs (computes association score for all pairs of...
matie documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:52 a.m.