Man pages for matrixdist
Statistics for Matrix Distributions

a_rungekuttaRunge-Kutta for the calculation of the a vector in a EM step
bivdphConstructor function for bivariate discrete phase-type...
bivdph-classBivariate discrete phase-type distributions
bivdph_densityBivariate discrete phase-type joint density of the feed...
bivdph_tailBivariate discrete phase-type joint tail of the feed forward...
biviphConstructor function for bivariate inhomogeneous phase-type...
biviph-classBivariate inhomogeneous phase-type distributions
bivphConstructor function for bivariate phase-type distributions
bivph-classBivariate phase-type distributions
bivph_densityBivariate phase-type joint density of the feed forward type
bivph_laplaceBivariate phase-type joint Laplace
bivph_tailBivariate phase-type joint tail of the feed forward type
cdfNew generic for the distribution of matrix distributions
cdf-dph-methodDistribution method for discrete phase-type distributions
cdf-iph-methodDistribution method for inhomogeneous phase-type...
cdf-miph-methodDistribution method for multivariate inhomogeneous phase-type...
cdf-mph-methodDistribution method for multivariate phase-type distributions
cdf-ph-methodDistribution method for phase-type distributions
clone_matrixClone a matrix
clone_vectorClone a vector
coef-bivdph-methodCoef method for bivdph class
coef-biviph-methodCoef method for biviph class
coef-bivph-methodCoef method for bivph class
coef-dph-methodCoef method for dph Class
coef-iph-methodCoef method for iph class
coef-mdph-methodCoef method for mdph class
coef-ph-methodCoef method for ph class
coef-sph-methodCoef method for sph Class
cor-bivdph-methodCor method for bivdph class
cor-bivph-methodCor method for bivph class
cor-mdph-methodCor method for multivariate discrete phase-type distributions
cor-mph-methodCor method for multivariate phase-type distributions
cor-MPHstar-methodCor method for MPHstar class
cumulate_matrixCumulate matrix
cumulate_vectorCumulate vector
default_step_lengthDefault size of the steps in the RK
densNew generic for the density of matrix distributions
dens-bivdph-methodDensity method for bivariate discrete phase-type...
dens-biviph-methodDensity method for bivariate inhomogeneous phase-type...
dens-bivph-methodDensity method for bivariate phase-type distributions
dens-dph-methodDensity method for discrete phase-type distributions
dens-iph-methodDensity method for inhomogeneous phase-type distributions
dens-mdph-methodDensity method for multivariate discrete phase-type...
dens-miph-methodDensity method for multivariate inhomogeneous phase-type...
dens-mph-methodDensity method for multivariate phase-type distributions
dens-ph-methodDensity method for phase-type distributions
dphConstructor function for discrete phase-type distributions
dphcdfDiscrete phase-type cdf
dph-classDiscrete phase-type distributions
dphdensityDiscrete phase-type density
dph_pgfPgf of a discrete phase-type distribution
embedded_mcEmbedded Markov chain of a sub-intensity matrix
EMstep_bivdphEM for discrete bivariate phase-type
EMstep_bivdph_MoEEM for discrete bivariate phase-type MoE
EMstep_bivphEM for bivariate phase-type distributions using Pade for...
EMstep_dphEM for discrete phase-type
EMstep_dph_MoEEM for discrete phase-type MoE
EMstep_mdphEM for multivariate discrete phase-type
EMstep_mdph_MoEEM for multivariate discrete phase-type MoE
EMstep_MoE_PADEEM for PH-MoE
EM_step_mPH_rcEM step for the mPH class with right-censoring, for different...
EMstep_PADEEM for phase-type distributions using Pade approximation for...
EMstep_RKEM step for phase-type using Runge-Kutta
EMstep_UNIEM for phase-type using uniformization for matrix exponential
evaluateNew generic for evaluating survival matrix distributions
evaluate-sph-methodEvaluation method for sph Class
expmatMatrix exponential
expm_termsexpm terms of phase-type likelihood using uniformization
find_nFind n such that P(N > n) = h with N Poisson distributed
find_weightFind weight of observations
FisherNew generic for obtaining the Fisher information of survival...
Fisher-sph-methodFisher information method for sph class
fitNew generic for estimating matrix distributions
fit-bivdph-methodFit method for bivdph Class
fit-bivph-methodFit method for bivph Class
fit-dph-methodFit method for dph class
fit-mdph-methodFit method for mdph Class
fit-mph-methodFit method for mph Class
fit-MPHstar-methodFit method for mph class
fit-ph-methodFit method for ph class
hazNew generic for the hazard rate of matrix distributions
haz-ph-methodHazard rate method for phase-type distributions
inf_normL inf norm of a matrix
initial_stateInitial state of Markov jump process
iphConstructor function for inhomogeneous phase-type...
iph-classInhomogeneous phase-type distributions
laplaceNew generic for Laplace transform of matrix distributions
laplace-bivph-methodLaplace method for bivph class
laplace-mph-methodLaplace method for multivariate phase-type distributions
laplace-ph-methodLaplace method for phase-type distributions
linComNew generic for linear combinations of multivariate matrix...
linCom-bivph-methodLinear combination method for bivariate phase-type...
linCom-MPHstar-methodLinear combination method for MPHstar class
linear_combinationComputes PH parameters of a linear combination of vector from...
logLikelihoodbivDPHLoglikelihood for bivariate discrete phase-type
logLikelihoodbivDPH_MoELoglikelihood for bivariate discrete phase-type MoE
logLikelihoodbivPHLoglikelihood for Bivariate PH
logLikelihoodDPHLoglikelihood for discrete phase-type
logLikelihoodDPH_MoELoglikelihood for discrete phase-type MoE
logLikelihoodmDPHLoglikelihood for multivariate discrete phase-type
logLikelihoodmDPH_MoELoglikelihood for multivariate discrete phase-type MoE
logLikelihoodMgev_PADELoglikelihood of matrix-GEV using Pade
logLikelihoodMgev_RKLoglikelihood of matrix-GEV using Runge-Kutta
logLikelihoodMgev_UNILoglikelihood of matrix-GEV using uniformization
logLikelihoodMgompertz_PADELoglikelihood of matrix-Gompertz using Pade
logLikelihoodMgompertz_PADEsLoglikelihood of PI with matrix-Gompertz using Pade
logLikelihoodMGompertz_RKLoglikelihood of matrix-Gompertz using Runge-Kutta
logLikelihoodMgompertz_RKsLoglikelihood of PI with matrix-Gompertz using Runge-Kutta
logLikelihoodMgompertz_UNILoglikelihood of matrix-Gompertz using uniformization
logLikelihoodMgompertz_UNIsLoglikelihood of PI with matrix-Gompertz using Uniformization
logLikelihoodMloglogistic_PADELoglikelihood of matrix-loglogistic using Pade
logLikelihoodMloglogistic_PADEsLoglikelihood of PI with matrix-loglogistic using Pade
logLikelihoodMLogLogistic_RKLoglikelihood of matrix-loglogistic using Runge-Kutta
logLikelihoodMloglogistic_RKsLoglikelihood of PI with matrix-loglogistic using Runge-Kutta
logLikelihoodMloglogistic_UNILoglikelihood of matrix-loglogistic using uniformization
logLikelihoodMloglogistic_UNIsLoglikelihood of PI with matrix-loglogistic using...
logLikelihoodMlognormal_PADELoglikelihood of matrix-lognormal using Pade
logLikelihoodMlognormal_PADEsLoglikelihood of PI with matrix-lognormal using Pade
logLikelihoodMLogNormal_RKLoglikelihood of matrix-lognormal using Runge-Kutta
logLikelihoodMlognormal_RKsLoglikelihood of PI matrix-lognormal using Runge-Kutta
logLikelihoodMlognormal_UNILoglikelihood of matrix-lognormal using uniformization
logLikelihoodMlognormal_UNIsLoglikelihood of PI with matrix-lognormal using...
logLikelihoodMpareto_PADELoglikelihood of matrix-Pareto using Pade
logLikelihoodMpareto_PADEsLoglikelihood of PI with matrix-Pareto using Pade
logLikelihoodMPareto_RKLoglikelihood of matrix-Pareto using Runge-Kutta
logLikelihoodMpareto_RKsLoglikelihood of PI with matrix-Pareto using Runge-Kutta
logLikelihoodMpareto_UNILoglikelihood of matrix-Pareto using uniformization
logLikelihoodMpareto_UNIsLoglikelihood of PI with matrix-Pareto using uniformization
logLikelihoodMweibull_PADELoglikelihood of matrix-Weibull using Pade
logLikelihoodMweibull_PADEsLoglikelihood of PI with matrix-Weibull using Pade
logLikelihoodMWeibull_RKLoglikelihood of matrix-Weibull using Runge-Kutta
logLikelihoodMweibull_RKsLoglikelihood of PI with matrix-Weibull using Runge-Kutta
logLikelihoodMweibull_UNILoglikelihood of matrix-Weibull using uniformization
logLikelihoodMweibull_UNIsLoglikelihood of PI with matrix-Weibull using uniformization
logLikelihoodPH_MoELoglikelihood for PH-MoE
logLikelihoodPH_PADELoglikelihood of phase-type using Pade approximation
logLikelihoodPH_PADEsLoglikelihood of PI with phase-type using Pade
logLikelihoodPH_RKLoglikelihood of phase-type using Runge-Kutta
logLikelihoodPH_RKsLoglikelihood of PI with phase-type using Runge-Kutta
logLikelihoodPH_UNILoglikelihood of phase-type using uniformization
logLikelihoodPH_UNIsLoglikelihood of PI with phase-type using uniformization
logLik-ph-methodLoglikelihood method for ph class
LRTNew generic for likelihood ratio test between two matrix...
LRT-ph-ph-methodLRT method for ph class
marginalNew generic for the marginals of multivariate matrix...
marginal-bivdph-methodMarginal method for bivdph class
marginal-biviph-methodMarginal method for biviph class
marginal-bivph-methodMarginal method for bivph class
marginal_expectationMarginal conditional expectations
marginal-mdph-methodMarginal method for mdph class
marginal-miph-methodMarginal method for multivariate inhomogeneous phase-type...
marginal-mph-methodMarginal method for multivariate phase-type distributions
marginal-MPHstar-methodMarginal method for MPHstar class
matrixdist-packageStatistics for Matrix Distributions
matrix_exponentialMatrix exponential
matrix_inverseInverse of a matrix
matrix_powerComputes A^n
matrix_productProduct of two matrices
matrix_VanLoanCreates the matrix (A1, B1 ; 0, A2)
max_diagonalMaximum diagonal element of a matrix
maximumNew generic for maximum of two matrix distributions
maximum-dph-dph-methodMaximum method for discrete phase-type distributions
maximum-iph-iph-methodMaximum method for inhomogeneous phase-type distributions
maximum-ph-ph-methodMaximum method for phase-type distributions
mdphConstructor function for multivariate discrete phase-type...
mdph-classMultivariate discrete phase-type distributions
mdphdensityMultivariate discrete phase-type density
mean-bivdph-methodMean method for bivdph class
mean-bivph-methodMean Method for bivph class
mean-dph-methodMean method for discrete phase-type distributions
mean-mdph-methodMean method for multivariate discrete phase-type...
mean-mph-methodMean method for multivariate phase-type distributions
mean-MPHstar-methodMean method for MPHstar class
mean-ph-methodMean method for phase-type distributions
merge_matricesMerges the matrices S11, S12 and S22 into a sub-intensity...
m_exp_sumComputes exp(Sx) via series representation
mgevcdfMatrix-GEV cdf
mgevdenMatrix-GEV density
mgfNew generic for mgf of matrix distributions
mgf-bivph-methodMgf method for bivph class
mgf-mph-methodMgf method for multivariate phase-type distributions
mgf-ph-methodMgf method for phase-type distributions
mGompertzcdfMatrix-Gompertz cdf
mGompertzdenMatrix-Gompertz density
minimumNew generic for minimum of two matrix distributions
minimum-dph-dph-methodMinimum method for discrete phase-type distributions
minimum-iph-iph-methodMinimum method for inhomogeneous phase-type distributions
minimum-ph-ph-methodMinimum method for phase-type distributions
miphConstructor function for multivariate inhomogeneous...
miph-classMultivariate inhomogeneous phase-type distributions
mixtureNew generic for mixture of two matrix distributions
mixture-dph-dph-methodMixture method for phase-type distributions
mixture-ph-ph-methodMixture method for phase-type distributions
mLogLogisticcdfMatrix-loglogistic cdf
mLogLogisticdenMatrix-loglogistic density
mLogNormalcdfMatrix-lognormal cdf
mLogNormaldenMatrix-lognormal density
MoENew generic for mixture-of-experts regression with matrix...
MoE-bivdph-methodMoE method for bivdph Class
MoE-dph-methodMoE method for dph Class
MoE-mdph-methodMoE method for mdph Class
MoE-mph-methodFit method for mph/miph class, using mixture-of-experts...
MoE-ph-methodMoE method for ph Class
momentNew generic for moments of matrix distributions
moment-bivdph-methodMoment method for bivdph class
moment-bivph-methodMoment method for bivph class
moment-dph-methodMoment method for discrete phase-type distributions
moment-mdph-methodMoment method for multivariate discrete phase-type...
moment-mph-methodMoment method for multivariate phase-type distributions
moment-ph-methodMoment method for phase-type distributions
mParetocdfMatrix-Pareto cdf
mParetodenMatrix-Pareto density
mphConstructor function for multivariate phase-type...
mph-classMultivariate phase-type distributions
MPHstarConstructor function for multivariate phase-type...
MPHstar-classMultivariate phase-type distributions obtained by...
MPHstar_data_aggregationPrepare data for the MPHstar_EMstep_UNI
MPHstar_EMstep_UNIEM step using Uniformization for MPHstar class
mWeibullcdfMatrix-Weibull cdf
mWeibulldenMatrix-Weibull density
new_stateNew state in a Markov jump process
NfoldNew generic for N-fold convolution of two matrix...
Nfold-dph-methodNfold method for phase-type distributions
n_posFind how many states have positive reward
pgfNew generic for pgf of matrix distributions
pgf-bivdph-methodPgf method for bivariate discrete phase-type distributions
pgf-dph-methodPgf Method for discrete phase-type distributions
pgf-mdph-methodPgf method for multivariate discrete phase-type distributions
phConstructor function for phase-type distributions
phcdfPhase-type cdf
ph-classPhase-type distributions
phdensityPhase-type density
ph_laplaceLaplace transform of a phase-type distribution
plus-dph-dph-methodSum method for discrete phase-type distributions
plus-ph-ph-methodSum method for phase-type distributions
plus_statesFind which states have positive reward
pow2_matrixComputes A^(2^n)
quanNew generic for the quantile of matrix distributions
quan-ph-methodQuantile method for phase-type distributions
random_rewardRandom reward matrix
random_structureRandom structure of a phase-type
random_structure_bivphRandom structure of a bivariate phase-type
rdphasetypeSimulate discrete phase-type
regNew generic for regression with matrix distributions
reg-ph-methodRegression method for ph Class
revers_data_transApplies the inverse of the GEV transformation but giving back...
rew_sanity_checkTransform a reward matrix with very small rewards to avoid...
riphRandom inhomogeneous phase-type
rmatrixgevRandom matrix GEV
rMDPHstarSimulate MDPH*
rMIPHstarSimulate a MIPH* random vector
rMPHstarSimulate a MPH* random vector
rphasetypeSimulate phase-type
runge_kuttaRunge-Kutta for the calculation of the a and b vectors and...
show-bivdph-methodShow method for bivariate discrete phase-type distributions
show-biviph-methodShow method for bivariate inhomogeneous phase-type...
show-bivph-methodShow method for bivariate phase-type distributions
show-dph-methodShow method for discrete phase-type distributions
show-iph-methodShow method for inhomogeneous phase-type distributions
show-mdph-methodShow method for multivariate discrete phase-type...
show-miph-methodShow method for multivariate inhomogeneous phase-type...
show-mph-methodShow method for multivariate phase-type distributions
show-MPHstar-methodShow method for multivariate phase-type distributions
show-ph-methodShow method for phase-type distributions
show-sph-methodShow method for survival phase-type objects
simNew generic for simulating matrix distributions
sim-bivdph-methodSimulation method for bivariate discrete phase-type...
sim-biviph-methodSimulation method for bivariate inhomogeneous phase-type...
sim-bivph-methodSimulation method for bivariate phase-type distributions
sim-dph-methodSimulation method for phase-type distributions
sim-iph-methodSimulation method for inhomogeneous phase-type distributions
sim-mdph-methodSimulation method for multivariate discrete phase-type...
sim-miph-methodSimulation method for inhomogeneous multivariate phase-type...
sim-mph-methodSimulation method for multivariate phase-type distributions
sim-MPHstar-methodSimulation method for multivariate phase-type distributions
sim-ph-methodSimulation method for phase-type distributions
sphConstructor function for survival phase-type objects
sph-classSurvival analysis for phase-type distributions
sum_dphComputes the initial distribution and sub-intensity of the...
sum_phComputes the initial distribution and sub-intensity of the...
TVRNew generic for transformation via rewards of a matrix...
tvr_dphPerforms TVR for discrete phase-type distributions
TVR-dph-methodTVR Method for dph Class
tvr_phPerforms TVR for phase-type distributions
TVR-ph-methodTVR method for ph class
var-bivdph-methodVar method for bivdph class
var-bivph-methodVar method for bivph class
var-dph-methodVar method for discrete phase-type distributions
var-mdph-methodVar method for multivariate discrete phase-type distributions
var-mph-methodVar method for multivariate phase-type distributions
var-MPHstar-methodVar method for MPHstar class
var-ph-methodVar method for phase-type distributions
vector_of_matricesComputes the elements S^n / n! until the a given size
vector_of_matrices_2Computes the elements S^n / n! until given value of n
vector_of_powersComputes elements A^n until the given size
matrixdist documentation built on Aug. 8, 2023, 5:06 p.m.