Man pages for mau
Decision Models with Multi Attribute Utility Theory

Bar.PlotBar plot of utilities
Compute.ModelEvaluation of decision tree nodes
Deep.ComputeCompute the deep position of every node
Divide.WeightsDivide weights of internal nodes
Eval.UtilitiesEvaluate utilities
Index.WeightsCompute leaves weights
Make.Decision.TreeEvaluate utilities
Plot.Simulation.WeightPlot decision MAUT model with weights simulations
Read.TreeEvaluate utilities
Read.UtilitiesRead utilities
Sim.Const.WeightsSimulation of constrained weights
Sim.WeightsSimulation of weights
Spider.PlotSpider plot
Stand.StringStandardize strings
Sum.WeightsSum weights for internal nodes
mau documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:23 p.m.