Man pages for mbr
Mass Balance Reconstruction

calculate_metricsReconstruction metrics
colScaleScale columns of a matrix
colUnscaleUnscale columns of a matrix
KGEKling-Gupta Efficiency
lsq_mbLeast square with mass balance penalty
make_ZMake cross-validation folds.
mb_fitFit parameters with mass balance criterion
mbrmbr: Mass Balance Reconstruction
mb_reconstructionMass-balance-adjusted reconstruction
nRMSENormalized root-mean-square error
NSENash-Sutcliffe Efficiency
obj_funObjective function from parameters
p1SeasonalSeasonal streamflow at P.1 station
pc3seasonsPrincipal components of tree rings
prepend_onesPrepend a column of ones
REReduction of Error
rowScaleScale rows of a Matrix
rowUnscaleUnscale rows of a matrix
mbr documentation built on Feb. 16, 2021, 5:07 p.m.