Man pages for mcStats
Visualize Results of Statistical Hypothesis Tests

helloPrint "hello world!"
labelBootResultsLabel Bootstrapped Results
labelPDFDisLabel discrete PDF
mcDChiSqDensity of Chi-Square distribution
mcDFDensity of F-distribution
mcDNormdnorm but with more arguments
mcDTDensity of t-distribution
shadePDFCtsUsed to shade in a PDF
showANOVAShow results of ANOVA
showChiSq.TestShow Chi-Square Test
showMcNemarTestVisualize results of McNemar's Test
showMosaicPlotMosaic Plot
showOLSShow hypothesis tests from OLS
showProp.TestShow results of proportion test using binom.test
showT.TestConduct z-test
showXtremeEventsCtsHighlight extreme events
showXtremeEventsDisShow Extreme Events from a Discrete Distribution
mcStats documentation built on March 26, 2020, 7:37 p.m.