Man pages for mcga
Machine Coded Genetic Algorithms for Real-Valued Optimization Problems

arithmetic_crossoverPerforms arithmetic crossover operation on a pair of two...
blx_crossoverPerforms blx (blend) crossover operation on a pair of two...
ByteCodeMutationMutation operator for byte representation of double values
ByteCodeMutationUsingDoublesMutation operator for byte representation of double values
ByteCodeMutationUsingDoublesRandomMutation operator for byte representation of double values
byte_crossoverPerforms crossover operation on a pair of two selected parent...
byte_crossover_1pPerforms one-point crossover operation on a pair of two...
byte_crossover_2pPerforms two-point crossover operation on a pair of two...
byte_mutationPerforms mutation operation on a given double vector
byte_mutation_dynamicPerforms mutation operation on a given double vector using...
byte_mutation_randomPerforms mutation operation on a given double vector
byte_mutation_random_dynamicPerforms mutation operation on a given double vector with...
BytesToDoubleConverting 'sizeof(double)' bytes to a double value
ByteVectorToDoublesConverting p * 'sizeof(double)' bytes to a vector of p double...
DoubleToBytesByte representation of a 'double' typed variable
DoubleVectorToBytesByte representation of a vector of 'double' typed variables
EnsureBoundsAltering vector of doubles to satisfy boundary constraints
flat_crossoverPerforms flat crossover operation on a pair of two selected...
linear_crossoverPerforms linear crossover operation on a pair of two selected...
MaxDoubleMaximum value of a 'double' typed variable
mcgaPerforms machine coded genetic algorithms on a function...
mcga2Performs a machine-coded genetic algorithm search for a given...
mcga-internalInternal mcga objects
mcga-packageMachine Coded Genetic Algorithms for Real-valued Optimization...
multi_mcgaPerforms multi objective machine coded genetic algorithms.
OnePointCrossOverOne Point Crossover operation on the two vectors of bytes
OnePointCrossOverOnDoublesUsingBytesOne-point Crossover operation on the two vectors of doubles...
sbx_crossoverPerforms sbx (simulated binary) crossover operation on a pair...
SizeOfDoubleByte-length of a 'double' typed variable
SizeOfIntByte-length of a 'int' typed variable
SizeOfLongByte-length of a 'long' typed variable
TwoPointCrossOverTwo Point Crossover operation on the two vectors of bytes
TwoPointCrossOverOnDoublesUsingBytesTwo-point Crossover operation on the two vectors of doubles...
unfair_average_crossoverPerforms unfair average crossover operation on a pair of two...
UniformCrossOverUniform Crossover operation on the two vectors of bytes
UniformCrossOverOnDoublesUsingBytesUniform Crossover operation on the two vectors of doubles...
mcga documentation built on Nov. 27, 2023, 5:12 p.m.