Man pages for mcmsupply
Estimating Public and Private Sector Contraceptive Market Supply Shares

Country_and_area_classificationThe Country and area classification according to the United...
country_namesThe names of the countries with national and subnational...
DEFT_DHS_databaseDEFT_DHS_database A database of the design effects for some...
get_dataWrapper function that retrieves the DHS data used for...
get_posterior_P_sampsFunction to pull the complete posterior sample for the...
get_subnational_modelinputsGet JAGS model inputs
mcmsupply-packagemcmsupply: Estimating Public and Private Sector Contraceptive...
national_estimated_correlations_bivarlogitnormalThe estimated national-level correlations between the rates...
national_FPsource_dataDHS survey observations for the proportion of modern...
national_FPsource_formatA checklist for ensuring national-level custom data is...
national_FPsource_VARCOV_bivarlogitnormalAn array of variance-covariance matrices corresponding to the...
national_inv_sigma_delta_hat_bivarlogitnormThe median estimate for the national-level...
national_tau_alpha_cms_hat_bivarlogitnormThe median estimates of the precision for the national-level...
national_theta_rms_hat_bivarlogitnormThe median estimates of the national-level sub-continental,...
national_varcov_order_bivarlogitnormalThe order of observations to join the variance-covariance...
plot_estimatesWrapper function to plot the JAGS estimates
pull_estimatesFunction to pull method-supply share median estimates and...
run_jags_modelWrapper function to run the jags model for estimating the...
subnat_FPsource_dataDHS survey observations for the proportion of modern...
subnat_FPsource_formatA checklist for ensuring subnational-level custom data is...
subnational_alpha_cms_hatThe median estimates of the subnational-level country,...
subnational_estimated_correlationsThe estimated subnational-level correlations between the...
subnational_inv.sigma_delta_hatThe median estimate for the subnational-level precision...
subnational_tau_alpha_pms_hatsubnational_tau_alpha_pms_hat The median estimates of the...
mcmsupply documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:15 a.m.